Chapter 38 The Odyssey

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3rd POV

"Giant old timers, it's really you!! It's been over two years!!" Luffy exclaimed as he looked at the grinning faces of the giants.

"Strawhat!! We hardly recognized you!!" Dorry laughed.

"GABA BA BA BA BA!!! They tell tales about this god in Elba!! Where did you learn about how he looked?!" Broggy chuckled.

"Hm?" Luffy cocked his head to one side curiously.

"Your appearance!! It's a pleasant surprise!! GABA BA BA BA BA BA!!" Broggy laughed.

"But it's surprising to see you with the Star Beast." Dorry mentioned.

"The what?" Luffy asked.

"You're friend there." Broggy said as he motioned to Y/n, "He resembles the star that became a beast in our legends."

"Whachu talking about?" Y/n asked.

"Shi shi shi shi! I don't get it, but we can talk later!!" Luffy laughed. 

"Giants!" Warcury growled.

"A most unpalatable complication..." Saturn cursed.

They looked at the giant monsters, "What enormous beasts! It feels like we're back in the jungle of Elbaf!!" Broggy said excitedly.

"Old timers! We're not supposed to fight right now!" Luffy said.

"We're not?" Y/n asked.

"We know! Sanji told us when we bumped into him earlier!" Dorry said.

""When you see Luffy, tell him we're meeting up on the other end of the island!"" Broggy relayed Sanji's words, "We decided to help you escape after we saw the news! The reports said the Navy was surrounding you, after all!"

Dorry pulled out a curved horn and blew into it. They could hear the giants give up a mighty cheer in the distance.

"They're signaling a retreat? That won't do... Allow me to blow a horn of my own." Warcury growled, "It'll drive home the futility of escape!!" 

He took a deep breath and let out a giant roar that shattered through the air, crackling Haki all across the island.

"Aaaah!! I'm getting blown away!!!!" Y/n screamed as plooms of his fur was blown off his body.

"Aaaah!! I'm getting blown away!!!!" Y/n screamed as plooms of his fur was blown off his body

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"Luffy's thingys fell off!" Y/n cried. He grabbed them all and slapped them back onto Luffy's body.

"This goes here and this goes here."

"No, that one goes there." Broggy said.

"Wait, this or this?" Y/n asked.

"That one." Dorry said.

"I thought this went here." Y/n said, "Ah screw it!"

He threw up all of Luffy's pieces and his body, enlarged his paws and slapped them together, making a flat Luffy, "All done!"

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