Day 2

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Erik woke to a start. He began to look around at the blurry room. Once his vision cleared, he saw that his father had gone home, probably to get some proper rest. Erik slowly lowered his legs, his feet touching the ground. He stood up and stretched, slightly gasping when he felt something pop. Running a hand through his hair, he looked around to see if anyone else was in the room. No one. He walked over to himself, the steady beep of the heart monitor becoming annoying. He decided to leave, not wanting to stay in the depressing, white room any longer. Walking out, he wonder where that back-stabbing creep was. Hopefully he had given up... He wondered exactly what he could do. Eat? He hoped so, he was hungry. He remembered that he had went onto the computer, so could he touch other things? There was only one way to find out. Going over to the cafeteria, he was glad to see that there weren't many people just in case things went south. Minutes later, Erik sat down with a plate stacked with tomatoes from the salad bar. He looked around, no one paying attention.

"They can't see you, or the... Tomatoes?"

The voice made Erik jump a bit. He quickly whipped his head back to see Curtis sitting casually in the chair in front of him. His elbow on the table and his palm supporting his chin as he looked at Erik.

"What do you want?" Erik asked, glaring.

"You know what I want. How are those tomatoes?" He said plainly before asking a sarcastic question.

"Shut up, they're my favorite food." Erik said, "I have anosmia, so can't smell or taste anything, idiot. The texture of tomatoes is one of my favorite. I thought you were supposed to know everything about me." (AN: The whole 'anosmia' and tomatoes thing is true, by the way :D)

Curtis softly smiled.

"Hey, I'm working on it." He replied.

"Why can't they see it, though?" Erik couldn't help but ask, even if he still hated the reaper.

"It's hard to explain. Basically, we're in the "ghost realm" -You could call it- and you are eating the tomatoes'... Souls, I guess. It takes too long to explain, but the actual tomatoes are still there." Curtis answered, pointing behind him to the bar.

He voice was a bit excited, and you could tell he enjoyed talking to someone who wasn't screaming in fear or yelling for him to get away. There was a bit of silence as Erik nodded and went back to eating. Curtis just sat there, impatiently tapping his sharp nails on the wooden table.

"... So?"

"So, what?" Erik asked, dreading the question.

"Will you come with me?"

"To my hospital room?" Erik stalled.

"No, not there." Curtis said while smirking, already catching the little game.

"The restroom? Because that's very creepy."

"Not, not there either~." Curtis said, waving his finger.

"Fine. Then tell me and I'll go with you."

"Ah, ah ah! You know I can't do that!" Curtis said.

"And why not?" Erik asked, voice poutier than he had intended.

"Because I just can't, ok? It's not my job, it's your own job to find out after I bring you over." Curtis said, sounding a bit more serious.

"Oh yeah! I forgot your job was that! Oh, and to lie and manipulate people. Don't know how I forgot that part!" Erik said sarcastically. "I bet you've done it to poor little children too, you sick twisted fu-" Curtis intervened.

"Yes! Ok? I did do that! I was nice to them and made them feel safe, and then I asked them to come with me. And you know what? They did! I've never had anyone stay as a lost spirit for more than three days! And you know what else? I never faked the friendship. I may have lied about being human and in a coma, but we're still in this together, so deal with it! Because if you don't come with me..." Curtis's voice dropped to almost a whisper, "Something worse happens..."

... Worse? What did that mean? Erik wanted to know.

"What hap-" Before Erik could finish his question, Curtis disappeared.

Erik quickly looked around, confused and scared.

He basically ran out of the cafeteria, not wanting to stay in that particular room anymore. Gaining his breath, he had no idea on what to do next. His father still wasn't around, and there wasn't much else to do. He made his way over to the waiting room, looking around. There he spotted stacks of magazines on every table.

"And to think I actually have time to read every single one of them..." Erik mumbled sadly, going over to one of the chairs and picking up a magazine. "Might as well relax. I've got all of eternity to stay..."

-Unknown Time Later-

Curtis nervously messed with his hair, walking around to find Erik.

"Damn it, child! Where are you?" He asked the dead air, looking around.

He walked through one last hallway, arriving at the waiting room. He scanned the area and let out a sigh of relief once he saw the teen. Erik was reading a magazine, not aware that Curtis had arrived. But walking closer, he saw that Erik's head wasn't lowered to read the pages, but to sleep. And on closer inspection, he saw that Erik was softly mumbling to himself in his sleep. Curtis rested his case when the magazine slipped out of Erik's hands and onto the floor without any reaction.

"Aw, you aren't so mean and sarcastic in your sleep, are you?" Curtis asked, his more loving side getting the best of him. "Damn you and your cuteness." Curtis grumbled, picking the other up bridal style.

He quickly made his way to an empty room, making sure to lock the door and close the blinds so a doctor wouldn't randomly bring someone in. Setting Erik down on the empty bed, he gently pulled the covers over him. The voices yelled at him, telling him not to get too attached, that he had a job to do. Curtis sighed and nodded, turning to leave. But just then, he heard a frightened whimper from the now occupied bed. He turned back around. Erik was having a nightmare. Rushing over, he had no idea what to do. The voices told him different things.

"Just leave him! It's just a stupid nightmare!" One said.

"Don't listen to that idiot! The poor boy is scared! Comfort him!" Another argued.

"Be smart! Leave, and once he sees you again after this nightmare, he'll be more glad to see and talk to you instead of being alone! He might even say 'yes'!" Another voice urged.

"He needs help. He needs someone to rely on, and this could help show him that it's you!" The last one said.

"But I don't want to wake him..." Curtis said, biting his lip.

Erik already hated him enough...

"You don't have to. Just comfort him." The last one replied.

Curtis nodded, but still felt unsure. Sitting down on the chair beside the bed, he awkwardly pat Erik's back. Erik still tossed and turned though...

"You're going to have to get closer than that, stupid." The second voice said.

Self consciously looking around, Curtis once again gave into the voices, climbing into the bed. It was very awkward at the least, Curtis hesitantly putting an arm over Erik and his face as red as the teen's favorite food. But still, Erik's nightmares ceased, leaving him to peacefully sleep. It getting dark, most of the building was quiet, making Curtis quite tired himself. He pulled Erik closer, his eyes beginning to grow heavy, unable to even think of leaving. But suddenly, the voices were all screaming at him again. But this time they were all telling him to leave. To 'whatever he did, not to fall asleep.' That Erik might wake up before him. But Curtis couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes and slipping into unconsciousness.

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