Day 3

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But suddenly, the voices were all screaming at him again. But this time they were all telling him to leave. To 'whatever he did, not to fall asleep.' That Erik might wake up before him. But Curtis couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes and slipping into unconsciousness.


Erik tried to to turn over and re-position himself, when he felt something stop his from doing it. He felt warmness beside him and a bit under him as he snuggled closer to this. This feeling strange, he lifted his head, rubbing his eyes. Holy shit. He was cuddling a grown man. Oh god, not just any man, Curtis. He was laying on basically half of Curtis... Erik immediately reacted by shoving the man away and shooting out of the bed, and out of the room. He slammed the door shut and proceeded to run like death was hunting him. Which it was.


Waking up with his back hitting the cold ground wasn't exactly normal. The wind being knocked out of him, he quickly sat up, looking around frantically and trying to remember how to breath. He jumped when he heard the door slam and loud footsteps down the hall.

"Great. How the hell do I explain this?" Curtis asked himself, angry at himself.

If Erik kept denying him, he would eventually turn into a evil, vengeful spirit who would have to be stopped, and Curtis didn't want that. With this in mind, he quickly got to his feet.

-In Erik's Hospital Room-

Erik sat down in the chair again, watching his father, who didn't seem to be doing much better. He had brought Blacula along with him once again, which make Erik smile a bit. He had to stay hopeful that he would wake up, because if he didn't, they would eventually give up. He would then die and have no choice but to stay here, or go with Curtis. He wanted neither, expectantly option two. That creep wasn't his friend, just a bastard wanting to get his job over with. Curtis tried to explain that Reaper's weren't cold, heartless, killers. That they were there to comfort and help you grieve, and bring you safely to the "other side", but Erik knew he was lying. Or so Erik thought.

-In The Hallways-

Curtis walked around the hospital, ending up in a hallway that looked exactly like the one he had just been through just five minutes ago.

"Thanks guys, you really helped me that time..." Curtis said sarcastically to the voices.

Deep inside, he knew that none of the voices were good. All out to get him with different tactics. Just as he was about to head to Erik's room, doctors came rushing by, a woman in her early 30's on a stretcher. Curtis gasped and grasped his chest as an electrical feeling shot through him. This was the feeling Reapers got when seeing their "Assigned Spirit" for the first time.

"Damn it! Not now!" He said angrily before sighing and calming down. "Hopefully she has some sense... Looks like I have another job to do..." He said, groaning and following the doctors.

The woman was obviously having a heart attack, and Curtis was sad to know she wasn't going to make it.

Just like he had known, the heart monitor began an unresting shrill sound, a signal that another life had ended. As doctors sighed and shook their heads in remorse, Curtis stood up, expecting to see the woman's spirit at any minute. And sure enough, as the doctors left, the woman appeared.

"W-Where am I?" Kat asked, looking around the room, in shock.

Not wanting the poor woman to have another heart attack, Curtis ran to her side. He always did it different, and this time he was going to tell the truth first things first.

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