reset and start over

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Days turned into weeks, but it had all become one big blur to Wooyoung. After he returned home from Hawaii, he had dazed off into a slump where time didn't matter at all.

If only he could reset his mind, erase everything and simply start over.

He hadn't heard from Seonghwa either, the older handing him the sole opportunity to be the one to engage in another meet up, if Wooyoung should ever desire such. But he didn't. In fact, he didn't desire anything or anyone at all. He hadn't even called up Changkyun for their usual hook-ups.

Yunho was beginning to look worried, sending him glances with a frown on his face, when they hung out in the living room together. Something that didn't happen all too often, as Wooyoung preferred to hide away in his room, whenever he wasn't at work.

His mind was weighing him down, heavily, with one particular thought overpowering everything else.

Yeosang had kept the ring Wooyoung gave him for his birthday, on the day of their last break up. Whatever that meant was still left in the unknown, a place Wooyoung so badly wanted to investigate, but also wanted to stay as far away from as possibly.

"Do you want to go out with me and Mingi tonight?" Yunho asked one evening, once again looking at Wooyoung with those big, brown eyes full of worry.

"Nah, I'm good," Wooyoung mumbled back, stuffing his mouth with popcorn - focusing on the movie playing on the TV screen.

"Well, call me if you change your mind."

The taller ruffled Wooyoung's hair, as he passed him by, leaving the apartment to go get ready. Wooyoung however stayed put, snuggled up under a blanket, with a huge bowl of popcorn in his lap.

He watched the movie, without even paying attention to the plot. All he could think of, was how he so desperately wished that his life could be as easy as a movie. So beautiful, and full of vibrant colors.

It used to be like that, he remembered that much. When Yeosang finally got his divorce finalized, and they could spend every day together, just the two of them. The world was painted in the vivid colors the older had shown him, but now everything just seemed dull.

When his eyes began feeling heavy, Wooyoung put the popcorn away, and laid down to rest on the couch. He hugged the blanket tightly around him, telling himself that things were going to be alright - although he had no idea how and when.

A knock on the front door suddenly pulled him out of the sleep that was about to consume him, and he looked around the dark living room in confusion. Yunho had left a while ago, and Wooyoung definitely wasn't expecting anyone.

And especially not the one standing on the other side of the door.


His voice failed him, turned into a weak whisper, when he stood face to face with Yeosang once again.

"What are you doing here?"

The older just looked at him, with weary eyes and a strange look on his otherwise handsome face. He seemed exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes, and the usual perfect facade had vanished.

Then they just stood there, staring at each other, silently. But somehow, the silence spoke louder than any words ever could. Yeosang swallowed a lump in his throat, and his lips parted slightly - but still, no words were coming out.

Wooyoung felt a strange itch at the back of his neck, and his body was slowly starting to tense up. Should he just slam the door in the older's face? He probably should, but his arms felt numb, and impossible to move.

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