Chapter 4

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Emily's heart felt heavy. Her eyes were watery. Her whole body echoed with fear and anxiety. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She stood up and made her way to the shelf filled with ornaments and framed photos. She felt slightly weak and unbalanced. She picked up a photo of Seret when she was five, that was taken when they first moved into their home. She then sat down next to Seret and showed her the photo. Seret awaited patiently for a reply.
'Do you remember that day?' Asked Emily, 'Do you remember how happy you were when we first moved in? You eagerly explored the house from top to bottom making sure you would like it here. After that you came and told me that this house was perfect. You said, "Mummy, this is our castle now!" as you came running into my arms. Do you remember?'
Seret looked at the picture of younger self wearing a pink and yellow tee. In her arms was Hopper, her favourite blue teddy bear.
There was bright smile on her face.
'Yeah, I remember.' She gave a half smile.
Emily placed her hand on Seret's shoulder and said, 'It was on that day too that I promised myself that I would never tell you this.' She then grasped Seret's hand firmly and said in a shrunken voice, 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't even lie to you now. I'm sorry that I can't be your mother now, nor was I ever your mother.'
Seret froze. Her gaze was stuck on the picture and her hand remained locked with Emily's. She could hear Emily speak in a blurred background even though her head felt like it was spinning. She had imagined that the answer could have been so, yet she never thought of how she would feel. She then stood up and walked to a corner, turned into the wall and grasped at her head trying to pull herself together. 'Are you messing with me right now? Is this a joke?' She asked. "Seret, I'm so sorry. I should have told you sooner -". Seret spoke louder, almost screaming, 'This has to be a joke, right? Is Riley gonna come out any moment and say "Gotcha"? Haha very funny!" Seret knew well enough that her mother wasn't one for lies but she insisted that this was not true. "Come out Riley! Just come out already!' She was screaming in the empty house desperately waiting for someone to tell her it was a hoax. 'Come on, just say it. Show yourselves!' Her breathing felt heavier, she turned and slammed her fist against the wall.
Emily rushed over and tried to calm her down. 'So this is your idea of humor isn't it? Isn't it?' Seret forced herself to laugh.'
'Seret, look at me.' Emily pulled Seret's face to focus on hers, 'Look at me. This isn't some joke, okay? This is - this is the truth. I know it's going to be hard to believe but please, just calm down.'
Emily began comforting Seret and gently hushing her. Seret's face looked broken as her laugh faded into a heart aching sob. She let herself go and Emily caught her, embracing her as they both sat on the cold floor while Seret broke down into tears.
The sound of the kettle boiling the water filled the house. The rain outside continued with a thundering downpour. The house was cold and hollow. Seret sat on the couch, arms crossed, in the same blanket that Emily had on earlier. She didn't think, she just sat. She sat still and quiet, for the first time ever. Emily poured Seret a cup of coffee, no sugar, and made for herself some tea. She lit the fire place, and switched on the lights in an attempt to make the atmosphere just a little more comforting. She sat down next to Seret and sipped her tea while Seret gripped tightly onto the mug in her hands. Seret reached for the necklace again and handed it to Emily.
'How does it work? Do you always have to throw it?' Asked Seret.
'I don't understand what you're asking.' Replied Emily.
'I want to hear it again. Play it.'
'I don't know what you're talking about, what do you want to hear again?' Emily looked confused, even though she was sad. Seret analysed her face and then disappointedly said, 'So you don't know what it means then, huh.'
'What does what mean?'
'Throw it on the floor.'
'What? Why? It could -'
'Just throw it on the floor. And do it hard.'
Emily did as Seret had asked of her. At first, nothing happened. Then came the blue glow, and this time, Seret closed her eyes and listened more attentively than before hoping that she would hear just a little more. The audio played exactly the same as before, only this time Seret could hear Emily's reaction to it in the background. When it was over, Seret picked up the necklace from the floor and spoke, 'So, it's true then, isn't it? You're not my real mother.'
Emily put her head down feeling ashamed, "I'm sorry.'
Seret clenched the necklace in her fist, suppressing her anger. 'Why would you lie to me?'
'To pro -'
'Protect me, huh?' Seret interrupted. 'Were they my parents? Did they die or...' she gripped tightly onto the stone.
'Of course not! They wouldn't have gave you up. They loved you with all their hearts. But, there was - there was a fire. I was their neighbour at the time and one night I awoke and found that the whole top floor of their house was burning. I called the fire department but by the time they arrived it was too late. Their death were unfortunate and somehow you survived. I didn't know of any of your family, and after a week no one came for you so I decided to take you in. I'm so sorry I lied to you.' Emily held herself tightly trying to console herself for all the lies she had told. Seret stood across from her, her fist still clenched while she exertedly chocked back her tears. 'How,' she swallowed, 'how old was I?'
'Three.' Said Emily sadly.
'Who are the others?'
Emily's face looked wary. 'The others?' She remembered what she heard at the end of the audio, 'Well, um, the house they were staying in did previously belong to their friends. Perhaps it was their friends who were the others?'
'Alright. Well, my mum said to find the others, maybe they'll know something about my actual family and how to help me. Do you know where they might be?'
Emily's instincts kicked in and she immediately knew where this was going, 'You want to find them, don't you?'
'Yes, I do. Is it not my right? Given the fact that I am not your daughter, you cannot restrict me from trying to find them, can you?' Said Seret a little too harshly.
'You're right, you really aren't my daughter. But, I still love you very much, as if you are my own. I will not allow you to.'
Seret saw this coming. This time, she remained calm and just said, 'Fine." Seret took a breath and switched her expressions. "Maybe some day then. So, do I like have to go to school now or what?'
Emily was shocked at Seret's reaction but she didn't dare question it even though she didn't fully believe it. She wanted Seret to still feel normal, so she just closed the topic until the end of the day when she could speak to Seret properly about everything, 'Yes, you still need to go to school. Go on and I'll phone the school to try and explain why you're late.'
Seret laughed, 'Sure. Um, what were their names? My parents?'
'Oh, they were Mathew and Liana.' Emily found it strange but played along.
'Mathew and Liana. Got a nice ring to it. Okay then, I should get going.' Seret made her way back to the front door, grabbed her backpack once more and headed out. The rain calmed down slightly but she still decided to take an umbrella. 'Bye' she said, 'Oh, one more thing, do I - do I look like them?'
Emily smiled and replied, she had a feeling she knew where this was going, 'You're just as beautiful as they were.'
And, with those words, Seret smiled and walked straight out the door.

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