Good Morning

4.9K 91 43

(light cursing, smut (yay finally!), praise, dirty talk)
word count: 2.9k
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Previously: My eyes gently come to a close and my mind and body starts to shut off. I feel Wanda  laying closer than she was before last night. I do not mind her presence, in fact I embrace it when I scoot in closer to her body. My face is buried in the crook of her neck and I wrap my free arm around her, and she moves her free arm to my hair, lightly scratching my scalp. I felt I was right where I needed to be. Next to Wanda.

I love my arm draped around her and my face buried into her neck. I loved hearing her little breaths as she drifted to sleep. She may already be asleep since her hand movements on my scalp came to a stop. But even if she didn't hear me I said:

"Goodnight Wanda"

A few seconds pass by until I hear a soft "Goodnight sweetheart".


I feel featherlight movements gracefully running along my back. I feel warmth next to me, and my instincts lead me to lean forward into it more than I already had been. I hear the birds outside chirping their beautiful songs. I hear light breathing just above me. It's a new day.

"Good morning sweetheart" Wanda. I smile knowing I am next to her. "What's the smile for?" She asks me. "Oh nothing. I just like being next to you" I say as I move my head onto her shoulder. "I'm flattered darling. I too like laying next to you, but we can't stay in bed forever, can we now?"

      "I suppose not" I respond. Really I would not mind a whole day laying in bed with Wanda. I wouldn't mind doing anything all day so long as it involved her.

     "Well let's get up then, I'll make you a nice breakfast and then we can decide on what to do for the day. Does that sound alright with you baby?"

     "Sounds great" I look over at the alarm clock. It reads 11:27. Oh my God have I really been asleep for that long? I suppose we didn't fall asleep until 3 AM.

      Wanda makes me eggs, waffles, and bacon for breakfast. Even simple foods like that she made taste amazing as if a gourmet chef made it. When I took a bite of the waffles I let out a small moan at how good they were. Wanda shot up a glance at me with her eyes wider than normal, and a smirk across her face.

     "Is it good honey?"

     "It's better than good Wanda, it's incredible"

      "You're too much Y/N" She laughs.

       We finish up breakfast and Wanda asks me the question she asked earlier "Have you decided what you'd like to do today sweetie?" "I don't really care what we do today, you should decide" "How about we just relax for the day, hmm? Maybe spend the day in the library and then afterwards we can watch a movie".

"That sounds wonderful Wanda. I'd love to".

And that's just what we did. We chatted about our favorite books and series. I found out that her favorite genre is romance and her favorite story is the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Wanda tells me she read the book 4 times, which is quite shocking to hear, I didn't take her for much of a reader to be fair.

"I don't aspire to hide my love like Evelyn, but I do aspire to have someone I love just as Evelyn loved Celia. As passionate and romantic and as whole heartedly as Evelyn". Wanda says smiling down at the book.

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