Knock Knock

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      Previously: Oh don't worry about me darling, I've had quite the night with you. Trust me, regardless of whether or not I got taken care of doesn't matter to me. All that matters is that my baby girl has been taken care of. Besides, there's always next time sweetheart". She winks at me with a suggestive smile.

I laugh at her comment and lean into her chest.

"Goodnight Wanda".

"Goodnight honey".

~ Next Morning ~

I feel featherlight movements gracefully running along my back. I feel warmth next to me, and my instincts lead me to lean forward into it more than I already had been. I hear the birds outside chirping their beautiful songs. I hear light breathing just above me. It's a new day.

"Good morning sweetheart". Wanda. I smile knowing I am next to her.


      I typically have trouble in the morning; feeling unmotivated to get up. But now I feel eager to get up to have as much time with Wanda as possible. My head is in the crook of her neck, so I take the advantage to kiss her all over the area softly.

      Wanda let's out a slight "Mmm" in satisfaction as she tilts her head up to allow me more room to kiss her further. I kiss my way up to her perfect jawline and then to her even more perfect soft lips, one which Wanda has an approving and welcoming smile put on.

      After a few more kisses, I tell her "Good morning Wanda". "Good morning baby. I can tell you're happy this morning." "Well yes" - I say with a gleaming smile - "Who wouldn't be if they were in my position?"

      "Which one?" Wanda laughs. I scoff at her dirty joke and playfully hit her shoulder, "Any I suppose" I say rolling my eyes. Wanda continues laughing for a few more seconds until she then asks "So what's the plan for today baby?" "Can we head back down to the library please? I want to continue reading the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo with you".

       "Sure darling, I'll make us breakfast before we head down, but first you need to put some clothes on; not that I mind seeing you like this" - She says pointing her finger up and down my naked figure - "But I'm fairly certain you're not a nudist" With an infectious laugh. I love when her laughter fills up the room; it's so beautiful. When she laughs her nose crinkles a little bit and she looks adorable. She's simply perfect.

      We both eat the breakfast she cooked, which tasted delicious as always, but the sausage we ate was a bit overcooked - probably because she trusted me to cook it.

      Afterwards, we head down to the library just as planned , sit at a table and get back into reading the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, picking up at chapter 11. The brightly lit library is so silent other than the birds chirps and Wanda's voice while reading. The pitching of her voice is noticeably different - she takes her time reading to perfectly execute the words written on the page. Her voice is intricate with each word enough to get the point across but still soft spoken. I am so comfortable next to her; so at peace.

      Knock. Just one firm knock at the library door makes me jump. Wanda's eyebrows scowl, her knuckles turn white from her hard grasp on the book, and her jaw is clenched from the sudden disruption. She puts the book down and walks over to the door, I feel bad for whoever the person behind the door is because I'm sure her attitude won't be so kind towards them, but at the same time who the hell else is here other than us two, and how long have they been here? Not last night I hope...

      Wanda opens the door and there is a middle aged pale man with white hair dressed in a fine black suit with a scarlet colored tie.

     "Can I help you Robert?" Wanda asks with an annoyed tone.

     "Miss Maximoff there's been a reported problem on Earth-141. Variants of the Avengers have been researching into multiversal travel, and the Doctor Strange of that universe seems to be getting quite close to discovering how to achieve their wishes. If he does successfully get to other universes, he could potentially get to the book of Vishanti."

      Wanda looks at the man with no emotion. She then pans over to me and shoots an empathetic look towards me, and then turns back to the man Robert with a face of stone.

      "I'm busy at the moment Robert."

     "Miss Maximoff, this is dangerous to your power and the rest of the multiverse".

      "I'm sure we have hundreds if not thousands who would offer to take on this challenge and defeat this Doctor Strange. Why should I have to go?"

       "Well Ma'am, this Doctor is the strongest one we've seen yet".

       "Stronger than the 616 Stephen?".

       "Yes ma'am".

       Wanda sighs and rubs her forehead.

       "Fine. I'll go. Promise you'll watch over Y/N for me while I'm gone though".

       "I'm sorry, who ma'am?"

      Wanda looks over at me putting on a little smile and then she faces back to Robert.

      "She's my girlfriend". She says with a proud smirk drawn upon her lips.

     Robert leans into the room and sees me at the table. I shoot a little wave towards him and a quiet "Hi".

     "Well congratulations Miss Maximoff. I promise to watch over her carefully while you're on your mission".

      "Thank you Robert".


      4 hours later and Wanda is ready to go.

      "Wanda, will you be okay?"

       "Yes Y/N I promise. This will be the strongest Strange I've dealt with but even then I'm sure I'll defeat him fairly easily. Normally the arrogance of the Doctor Stranges is what causes their downfall. If this Stephen Strange really believes he can travel through the multiverse and stripe me of my title, then he is bound to be defeated".

      "Well even hearing that I still want to wish you good luck". I say as I lean in to give Wanda a kiss. When I feel Wanda's lips connected to mine I simply melt. I'll never get used to the feeling of her. We stop after a few more seconds of sweet kisses and Wanda presses her hand to my cheek, cupping it. "Goodbye sweetheart. I won't be gone long".

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