Becoming Hers

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word count: 4209
(FINAL chapter, medium smut)
моя любовь - My love. Pronounced: moya lyubov
Previously: "I just.. can't believe you're still here". I say to her. "Wanda, I honestly think the power of your love saved me" "What like true loves kiss?" I question and laugh at her. She laughs back, "Yes exactly". It's so good and rewarding to know I'll hear her laugh for the rest of my life.

          A few seconds of silence last after the laughter died down. "I'll take you home". I say breaking it.

          "Home?" Y/N asks.

          "Yes dear".
       I feel featherlight movements gracefully running along my back. I feel warmth next to me, and my instincts lead me to lean forward into it more than I already had been. I hear the birds outside chirping their beautiful songs. I hear light breathing just above me. It's a new day.

         I roll over and push my head into the crook of Wanda's neck, gently inhaling her warm vanilla scent. Wanda places a kiss on the top of my head and mumbles out, "Mmm good morning sweetheart".

I smile widely and kiss her neck, "Good morning Wanda". For the next seconds nothing is heard but the singing of birds. "So" Wanda breaks the silence. "What would you like to do today? Perhaps go to the park.. or the beach, maybe to a fancy restaurant later? I could check what's out in the thea-" I put my hand over her mouth to stop her rambling.

        She makes a fake offended face and a scoff at which I can't resist laughing at. "Wanda, you need to understand that I would rather spend the entire day next to you than go to all those typical 'romantic' places". "But you still can be next to me in all those places sweetheart". She argues back.

       I roll my eyes. She never gives up. "Yes dear but their not nearly as intimate as here in our home. None of those places give me as much joy as being here with you, cuddled up into your body, gently kissing you all over". I state as I kiss her neck with soft pecks earning a little groan from Wanda's mouth and a singular hearty laugh. My favorite laugh of hers.

       Wanda lifts up my chin making me look up at her, "Fine we can stay in for the day but only if you give me a kiss first". She says with a mocking grin. "Fine". I say acting annoyed, leaning into her until our lips meet. What begins as a soft little peck becomes a more powerful and passionate kiss while Wanda moves her hand to hold my cheek tenderly. She gently pushes my body down until my head lays upon the soft pillow of our bed. She lays herself on top of me still kissing me whilst moving her hands softly through my hair.

        She stops and leans her head back to look directly in my eyes. Moving her hand to interlock with mine she says, "I love you so much". With such a wide smile that her nose scrunched. My favorite. She lowers herself so that our foreheads connect. These are my favorite moments. Just us.

        A picnic in the park couldn't replace this moment. A walk on the beach couldnt replace this moment. A dinner couldn't replace this moment. A movie date couldn't replace this moment.

I change my clothes, putting on jeans and a loose t-shirt. Later in the day, the sun now starting to set, Wanda began cooking dinner 30 minutes ago; chicken tabaka and pampushka - both eastern European dishes she ate when she was young. While she stands at the stove, I walk behind her wrapping my hands around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder.

"It smells really good Wanda". I kiss her cheek.

"Thank you моя любовь". She turns her head and leans in for a kiss, this time on the lips.

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