-Chapter 1- Meeting Maggie

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Okay, guys, I've been thinking of this fanfiction for a long time now. There's tons of fanfictions where his daughter is like 18 but I kinda like the idea where he has to slowly bond with his young daughter that he's never known for the past 8 years.

This is what I've come up with. Enjoy!❤


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      Anthony Edward Stark was a wealthy American, business magnate, playboy and ingenious scientist. Tony, as he preferred, was a worldwide famous inventor and the owner of Stark Industries. On a busy August day, at the age of forty-five, his perfectly adult life full of drinking, partying and inventing until the early hours of the morning comes to a screeching halt when he is delivered that he had become a father to a baby girl seven years ago. She would be the key in his life, the only thing that did or would ever matter. She would become his entire world. Unfortunately, he doesn't  realize that the first time he had meets her. They have a bit of a rough start to their relationship.

     This is their story.


       Tony Stark is alone. Not just literally because he is in fact alone working on his toys (as he calls them) in the basement of his mansion, but also emotionally alone. It's a stupid emotion, really. He has all the things in life he could possibly want. He owns the largest, most powerful company in the United States, has a car collection to make any mechanic drool, owns multiple estates all over the world, dates a girlfriend with a smoking hot body and brilliant mind, employs a bodyguard whom he considers his best friend, and has his Iron Man suites. Whatever he does not have already, he can simply buy it. But why does this longing, this aching feel like it cannot be purchased? Why do these thoughts keep him up every night? What does he need to buy now?

       Tony stiffles a groan as he sets down the tools he is using to fix his Iron Man suit. It is almost close to perfection, except for the buggy AC system. He has completed the skeletal frame of the suit yesterday, staying up late the prior night to paint the armor. This is how most of his days go by; waking up early, sipping coffee to stay awake throughout the morning, tinkering around with anything that seemed faulty in his eyes of a perfectionist, saying goodbye to girlfriend Pepper before she left for work, eating lunch by himself, more tinkering and building until Pepper got home, taking her out to an expensive restaurant whilst he wore a fake smile, spending time with her until she went to bed, then some more tinkering in the garage, and eventually trying to sleep like a normal person, then back up and repeating the whole ordeal the next day.

        Deciding that he would not get any work done with these thoughts swirling about in his head, he heads for the stairs. He passes his brand new sports cars, their vibrant paint shining under the bright lights above, as his shoes shuffle against the marble stairs.He could use a drink, he decides. Making his way to the large kitchen and straight for the drink fridge. The kitchen is ridiculously large, especially since Tony does not know how to cook anything more than Ramen noodles and the occasional green smoothie. When he first had this large estate custom built, he wasn't even going to have a kitchen visible to him or his guests, but after some time looking through old photos of his parents' home, he decided against that idea. His mother loved to cook. He built this grand kitchen for her. Every estate and building he owns comes equipped with large, beautiful kitchens in her memoriam.

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