Chapter 9; Iron Men

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A few days later, Maggie came down the stairs from her room at the Stark mansion. She just got dressed for the day and she decided to go find Tony.

She walked into the kitchen and didn't see him there. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and headed towards the garage, where Tony liked go disappear to. Maggie had never actually been downstairs, Tony said that she wasn't aloud.

But nonetheless, she walked down the stairs. The stairs were going in a spiral, which she absolutely loved. When she made it down the stairs, she saw a see-through panel with a glass door. But behind the door was a very large garage with an endless row of fancy cars.

She saw a case of metal suits that she instantly knew was the Iron Man suits. She spotted Tony at a desk fiddling with something. Luckily, he hadn't noticed her yet, his back was turned to her.

She walked over to the door and tried to push it open. When it didn't budge, she noticed a keypad that now glowed red.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" She called out to her friend.

"Yes Miss Stark?"

"Could you open this door for me?" She pointed to the glass door in front of her.

"I don't think Mr. Stark would like that, ma'am." The AI said slowly as if he was trying not to hurt her feelings.

"Pleeeaase? I wanna hang out with Tony." She begged and it was quiet for a moment.

Then the glass door popped open and she smiled.

"Thank you!" She pushed the door open the rest of the way and walked into the garage.

Stark spun around in his chair and sighed when he saw her.

"Hey, kid that was locked how did you get in here?" He gave her an annoyed expression.

She shrugged as she now stood in front of him with a cunning smile. "My good friend .J.A.R.V.I.S. let me in."

"J.A.R.V.I.S. you back-stabbing traitor." He yelled at his robot as he stood up from his seat.

Maggie examined the room as she took a sip of her orange juice. The room was huge. She tapped on a little robot moving on a table. She gasped when she saw the suits.

She ran over to them and Tony walked over with her, nervous that she might mess something up.

"Oooo, cool! I like that one." She pointed at mark 23, which was a red and silver color.

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