Chapter 16; Avengers Assemble!

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A/N; oh my gosh you guys! I just realized that I'm close to ending this book. I should be able to wrap up the entire book by chapter 20. This chapter is dedicated to all of the wonderful people who commented nice things in here.

Also, I saw Captain America; Civil War and FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!!! So many feels! Damn you Marvel and all of your feels moments!

Also, I saw Captain America; Civil War and FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!!! So many feels! Damn you Marvel and all of your feels moments!

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Maggie sat anxiously in front of the large flat screen tv. Pepper sat beside her rubbing her knees nervously. They have been watching the news coverage on the Avengers fight in New York City all night. Maggie, Pepper and Happy we're all in the Avengers tower.

The Avengers were fighting a battle with a mad mutant with strange metallic powers. He had other mutants with him and they were trying to attack the humans. Of course the Avengers weren't going to fall for that.

Captain America was throwing his shield and hitting the mutants. The Hulk was smashing them, along with some buildings and lampposts. Iron Man was laser beaming them and flying around helping everyone. Black Widow was jumping on their heads shocking and whacking them very gracefully. Helping Natasha, Hawkeye was shooting them with arrows. Thor was shocking and hitting them with his hammer. All together it was a group effort.

"Happy, you don't think they can get us in here, do you?" Maggie asked the large bodyguard.

He shook his head slightly. "No, I don't think so."

Maggie stood up from the couch and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows. She peered out at the bright lights of New York. Happy stood beside Pepper, watching the female reporter point to the fight in the air between Iron Man and a woman with fire abilities.

Maggie narrowed her eyes as she looked at the fight from the window. Then, suddenly, something slammed against the window, though not hard enough to break it. Maggie screamed in shock and took a step back.

The person, a man, had green, slimy skin that resembled a toad. He sneered at the young girl with his nasty tongue flicking through his two front teeth.

He smashed the glass with his hand and jumped inside the tower. Maggie took a step back, but before anyone could register what was happening, the toad-like man's tongue flew out of his mouth and wrapped around Maggie. He yanked her to him and fell out of the window with Maggie in his arms.

She screamed and thrashed around, but it was no use. The mutant climbed up the building until he reached the roof. He dropped Maggie on the building top. She gagged at the slime that was left all over her pale blue shirt from the toad's tongue.

"Ew! You freak! When my daddy hears about this-" She groaned, while standing to her feet. Now, she may be small, but she had a trick up her sleeve. On her left wrist was a metal bracelet that Stark made for her. This was no ordinary cheap bracelet. The bracelet, if necessary, turned into a small gauntlet with a repulser in the palm, just like her dad's.

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