Chapter 19; Getting Her Back

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A/N; long chapter! Please comment because this book is almost ended! Oh, and don't forget to vote for my book in the marvelfanficawards

A/N; long chapter! Please comment because this book is almost ended! Oh, and don't forget to vote for my book in the marvelfanficawards

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Maggie was laying on the bottom bunk bed staring up at her hand in front of her face. She was taking in all of the intricate designs of her Iron Man bracelet that Stark gave her. Tears pricked at her eyes as she thought of him. She just couldn't understand for the life of her why he would give her up so easily. Was she really that much of a burden? Was she not good enough for him in some way. Was she not pretty enough?

All of these thoughts swirled around in her brain until she closed her eyes and sleep found her.


Maggie was awoken up by the sound of a baby crying. She rolled over in her bed and cracked an eye open. The sunlight shone through the blinds of her cousin's pink bedroom.

She heard her cousin sigh loudly from above her.

"Jason is up." She stated before she threw the covers over her head in denial.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.," Maggie started. "What time is it?"

"What? Who are you talking to?" Annie asked her tiredly.

Embarrassed, Maggie quickly replied with;

"No one. I'm going to go see if Aunt Kathy needs help cooking breakfast." Maggie jumped out of bed.

She was dressed in her blue pajamas with pink bows. Those were her favorite pair. She made her way down the stairs of Kathy's two story town house. She walked into the large kitchen and sat on the metal bar stool.

Kathy busied herself with feeding the toddler his breakfast. She glanced up at Maggie and gave her a warm smile.

"Oh, good morning, Margret." She said.

"'Morning aunt Kathy, is there anything I can help you with?"

"You could get the eggs and orange juice out of the fridge for me." She replied as she shoveled a spoonful of applesauce in the baby's mouth.

"Kay," Maggie hopped off of her stool and walked around the island to the fridge. She was about to open the stainless steel fridge door when their doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Maggie gushed as she ran to the front door before her aunt could stop her.

She twisted the lock and opened the door. She was expecting the mail or maybe a neighbor, but she wasn't expecting this.

Tony stood in front of the door, wringing his hands out nervously. He wore a blue striped suit with red and yellow sunglasses. He looked like typical Tony Stark in bizarre clothing that he could always pull off.

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