Chapter 7; Malabo Mansion

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A/N; wow you guys, Parenthood has officially hit 3,000 reads. I wouldn't think this got more than 15 reads. You guys rock!

I would like to personally thank every one of you guys for your support on my mom and my birthday.

I'm going through some rough patches with my friends. And reading the comments you guys send just makes my day. Thank you fangirls!

Now, on with the story!

Now, on with the story!

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Maggie played with her thumbs in her lap as Tony drove them drove back to his mansion. She had to say goodbye to her Avengers friends at the zoo, but she knew she would see them again -probably very often.

When Tony figured out that Clint drove 'his baby', he had a fit. It was more childish fight then anything really. But Maggie was glad they had it because it gave her more time to say goodbye to Steve and Natasha. 

They also had to say goodbye to Pepper too. She needed to go home for the night, but she promised she would be back around noon the next day.

The little bird chirped in a happy tone in its cage beside her. Yes, Clint managed to steal the rare little yellow bird for her. He gave it to her right as they were about to leave. She was so happy that she hugged him and squeezed hard.

The setting sun in the horizon cast a glare right in her eyes. She held up her arm in attempt to block the sun's rays.

Tony glanced at her from the driver's seat. He grabbed something out of his vest and handed it to her.

"Here, those will help with the sun, plus they'll make you look cooler." He informed her.

She took the yellow and red sunglasses, from where she sat in the passenger seat and put them on. The glasses were a little too big on her, engulfing most of her tiny face.

She smiled at him and he smirked back at her.

"Do I look cooler?" Her petite voice asked him as she pushed the rim of the glasses further down on her nose to peek at him from above the glasses.

"Cooler already," He turned his attention back to the road.

Maggie looked over at the sunset again. Now that she could see without squinting hard, she realized how pretty it looked. The sun looked as if it sat upon the horizon of the ocean, leaving its rays spread across the sky in magnificent colors of red, pinks, and oranges. The rays reflected on the water making it look like there was two skies.

"Tony, look how pretty the sunset is." She told him and pointed over to the ocean.

Tony tore his eyes away from the road and glanced at the sunset. He wasn't even thinking about sunsets right now. He looked from the sunset to his daughter and back again.

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