Chapter 1

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Sam the banana was lonely. He wandered the tropics of Frootee Tuttee island, longing for another banana just like him. He had brown spots on his back and a bright yellow face, but he was no ordinary banana. Sam the banana was a Banana-mingo, or a banana flamingo. The Banana-mingos feasted on the juice fish that swam in the Blueberry Lake. His kind was eaten by the annoying, fat, and fleshy humans who looked an odd shade of pink, and had a weird, gross, stringy substance on their head. After the Grape-ephants drove them away from the island, the humans were never seen again. The Grape-ephants were the guardians of the island. They made sure everything was peaceful and right, and roamed the delicious jungle and fruity plains. Sam liked them. They were big and strong, and very kind. They were a range of colors from dark purple to rose pink, and from lime green to light, almost yellow green. They ate wheat grass and bungle-leaves.

Sam loved King Dragon-Fruit. He lived in the Fire-Flower mountains, and was always fair and good to the people of Frootee Tutee island. He was the one who gave the Grape-ephants their jobs. Now enough of describing. Let's get to the story.

Sam the Banana-mingo woke to the sweet smelling air and orange skies of Frootee Tutee's beautiful morning. He was in his tree house, lying on his Bungle-leaf and Gargle- tree bed. Sam was a curious fruit-folk, and he loved to explore. This time, Sam thought, Will be different. I'll go on a long expedition and try to find the fabled Fudge Marshes! I'll pack food, and supplies, and... His thoughts trailed off into his mind. Sam was already flying down to the jungle floor to gather supplies, when he remembered his garden. He started walking down to it to pick the fruits for his supplies, and after he gathered all of it, he put it in a large, sturdy Bungle- leaf bag. Now I'll go to Blueberry Lake, and go fishing. Juice Fish are my favorite!

As he obliviously marched towards the lake, he didn't notice the fudgey set of tiny, spying eyes. The small, forgotten creature rustled in the bush by mistake, and Sam whipped around to see who it was. "Hello? Who's there?" He shouted into the canopy. After a long moment of looking around, Sam decided to dismiss the thought of someone following him, and bounced happily towards the lake. He filled his water bag full of the lake's clean, fresh water. Then, he went to a secret crevice in the rock at the mouth of Forbidden Fruit cave and pulled out his stash of Juice Fish bait and his fishing poles. Sam walked up the bank to his favorite fishing spot and cast his line. Then, he waited. It wasn't long before he started catching Juice Fish by the dozens. Sam's personal favorite flavor were the red ones, but he caught many greens, yellows and blues. He put them in his cooler and dragged the cooler back to his house. Tomorrow, Sam thought, Will be the grandest adventure ever!

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