Ahsoka - Ghost

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"Ahsoka, it's okay," you whispered as she held you in her arms "no, we need to get you some medical attention," she replied with tears forming "REX! WHERE IS KIX?!" Ahsoka cried into her comm "we're coming as fast as we can Commander!" Rex replied. You reached out a hand and cupped your secret girlfriend's cheek, "hey, I love you," you whispered as you rested your head on her shoulder "I love you too, please don't go," Ahsoka begged as the tears streamed down her cheeks. As you fell back you gestured for her to come closer, "if I become a force ghost, I'm gonna haunt the shit out of you," you whispered "I promise," "Y/N?! Y/N! NO PLEASE!" she begged as you slowly lost consciousness "see you in the force Stripes," you muttered before succumbing to your injuries. One of which being a lightsaber wound through the stomach.

*  *  *

Ahsoka was stood outside the quarters you once shared with your master, Plo Koon. "Little 'Soka, I'm sorry, I know you and Y/n were good friends," he said placing a hand on her shoulder "thanks, how you holding up?" Ahsoka asked as a few tears fell down her cheeks "I've mostly managed to stay together in public, though in private is a different story," he replied before the pair walked in to empty your room.

As they were putting stuff into boxes Ahsoka found something on your desk. She walked over and picked it up, it was  your anniversary present for her, a necklace with a picture of you two having ice cream as younglings with Plo, she looked on the back and it read:

~A bond so strong not even the force can separate us. Together through everything, not even death can keep us apart. I love you Ahsoka~

She couldn't help but burst into tears as she fell to the ground, holding it close to her chest. She felt arms wrap around her and looked to see Plo embracing her, "he's been working on this for weeks, practically begging me for this photo. I never knew why, until now. He told me to give this to you if he were to ever be killed in battle," Plo stated handing her a datapad. She turned it on and saw a video, she played it and you said "Ahsoka, Master Plo, I'd like you to play this to the council, Anakin, and the 510st, 212th, and 104th. I love you both," Ahsoka held it close and they went to walk out but you began to play with Ahsoka's lekku.

She looked and saw you glowing blue and partly see-through. "Hey Stripes," you said smiling "Y-Y/n?" She asked grinning "yeah, it's me. I glow blue now, I can't touch you anymore, that sucks. But hey! We get to always be together now! Isn't that great!" You exclaimed with a grin "yeah, it is," she replied and you hugged her. Or at least wrapped your arms around her.

*  *  *

Ahsoka inserted the datapad into R2, everyone who you asked for in the room. And you watched invisibly from the roof of a gunship with Qui-gon and Revan. "Looks like you're popular," Revan commented "I have the best girlfriend," you commented as it began to play.

"Hello, if you're watching this, I'm gone. Like, really gone. But anyway. Enough of the sad crap. FIVES STOP EATING YOUR REG MANUAL!"

Everyone looked at the clone who was doing exactly that and most started laughing. You knew them too well.

"And Stripes, I see you wearing that necklace. I'm not an idiot, love from the after life.

Anakin, you're a dick, but you're an amazing friend. Thanks for letting me prank Master Windu with you and Ahsoka. And you'd be kinda my brother-in-law in a few years if I didn't... you know... die and all. Thank you for being an amazing master for Ahsoka.

Master Ti, you're practically my mother. So thanks, I wish I could have told you in person. You taught me to be honest with myself, how to like myself, and so much more! I accidentally called you Mom a few times, sorry if that was a little awkward to explain to Master Windu... I love you.

Master Windu, you're annoying, but you taught me a lot. As much as you annoy me to death, and you sometimes scared me as a youngling, I still have to owe you a lot.

Obi-wan, you're amazing, and I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble with my antics. Sorry for putting bantha poop in your boot that one time. Get Grievous for me.

Master Fisto, thanks for being a father figure, for teaching me how to swim and surf, for teaching me how to appreciate everyone around me better. And please, ask out Aayla, I believe in you. Probably shouldn't have said that.

Cody and Hardcase, thanks for teaching me alcohol and blasters. You've been amazing big brothers.

Rex, you've helped me improve a lot, and even if we only knew each other for a couple years, you were an amazing mentor and brother.

Wolffe, thanks for being my stern big bro. Take care of Fives and Comet for me.

Fives, Comet, you're both like my innocent little brothers. Thanks for that.

To all you clones. Thank you for saving my hide on more occasions than I can count, and thank you for allowing me to fight alongside you. As much as some of you may see yourselves as expendable, that couldn't be further from the truth, because to me, and to most of us jedi, you're people, and amazing friends.

Master Yoda, thanks for everything you've done for me. You introduced me to so many amazing people, you always helped me, and you taught me how to use my lightsaber. I cannot physically say how thankful I am for you.

Master Plo... I hope lived up to what you hoped for me. I hope I was the best padawan you could have asked for, I know I was a brat at times, constantly disobeying your orders. But I hope you know I only did those things to try to live up to you. Thank you for teaching me a lot of what I know, and for putting up with me.

And Ahsoka. Stripes. Where do I begin? Probably with sorry, sorry for not being able to live the rest of our lives together and cutting it short. I know you wanted to have a family together, I hope I was a good boyfriend for you. We've known each other since we were barely a few weeks old, and it looks like I saved your butt again. One last time...

A bond so strong not even the force can separate us. Together through everything, not even death can keep us apart. I love you Ahsoka."

Everyone in the room was either crying or on the verge of tears. Then most of the jedi in the room looked at Ahsoka in a judging way.

"If you don't stop looking at my girlfriend like that I'll coming back just to kill you."

The video threatened. But then Ahsoka burst into tears and Anakin, Rex, Obi-wan, and Plo all embraced her. She gripped the necklace in her hand and held it close to her chest as she fell to the floor, completely overtaken with grief. Despite knowing you were likely watching.

*  *  *

It had been a few months since you passed, and Ahsoka hadn't been punished by the council, which shocked a lot of jedi.

"You have pranked me for the last time Padawan," Mace stated as you ran your hand across his bald head. You were only visible to Ahsoka so she was struggling to laugh. You then made your way to Obi-wan and playing with his hair. Leaving the masters confused. Then when you went over to Shaak and hugged her from behind, and she quickly realised it was you doing it and let it happen without any complaints.

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