Ahsoka - Please

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Sorry all but one of the one shots (so far) have been angst. I somehow fall into writing it without fail almost every time. Well this time I'm intentionally writing Ahsoka angst! Enjoy!

You're the chosen one, or so the jedi council says. You're a jedi knight, and you were the apprentice to Mace Windu. To say you hated him was no understatement. You had tried to leave the order several times, but he has never let you. You wanted to be a normal person, not the jedi's golden boy.

"Hey, what ya thinking about?" Ahsoka asked as she walked into your quarters "I'm thinking about how much I want to leave the order and everyone in it behind," you replied as you sat up "well everyone except you," "you know the council won't let you," she sighed "I just want the right to choose!" you yelled. Ahsoka sighed and walked over. She sat in your lap and kissed you. "I love this girl," you thought as you stared into her eyes. "You do have the right to choose, you choose to be my boyfriend," Ahsoka said and kissed you again "actually I'm terrified of you killing me in my sleep, so I stay with you," you replied. You removed her top and started kissing her chest as she threw your shirt away. "L/n, you have a-  WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Ahsoka quickly covered her chest with a pillow as you looked at Windu "I'm spending time with my girlfriend," you said and the word anger couldn't describe his face "oh, and get out of my quarters," you force pushed him out and you and Ahsoka put your clothes back on.

You and Ahsoka were practically dragged to the to the council chamber by Windu. You glanced at Ahsoka with a small smile, which she returned. To you this was your way out of hell.

"Why are these two here?" Obi-wan asked "they have broken the code and are dating," Mace replied "Padawan Tano, expelled are you. L/n, in your quarters you will stay for a month. Your lightsaber taken from you it will be," Yoda stated and the others nodded in agreement. You looked at Ahsoka and grabbed her hand. "Let's just go," you said before walking towards the door "stay here you will L/n," Yoda ordered "oh yeah, forgot," you commented. You took your lightsaber off your belt and threw it at the grandmaster. "A jedi you are, my orders you will follow," he stated "no I'm not, I'm leaving the order," you replied. "No you won't, you are staying here. As the chosen one it is your duty to the galaxy to remain a jedi," Mace said "I HATE YOU!" you snapped, you grabbed Ahsoka's lightsaber off her belt and jumped at Windu. You activated it and swung, actively trying to kill the jedi master. Although before you could all the masters used the force to hold you in place. "LET ME GO!" you yelled, your eyes a glowing yellow, Ahsoka rushed over and hugged you from behind. "Please, calm down," she begged and the dark side left you. The masters let you go and you hugged back. You held onto the togruta as tightly as you could. She's among the very few people who you trusted. "Please, don't let them keep me here," you begged as you cried, having fallen to your knees and buried your face in her chest. Ahsoka was currently multi tasking, she was being gentle as she rubbed your back and kissing your forehead while running her fingers through your hair, whilst also glaring daggers at Mace and Yoda. Usually neither would be afraid of a padawan, but they knew she was furious. The tension was so thick you couldn't even cut it with a lightsaber. Shaak stood up before kneeling beside you and wrapping an arm over your shoulders. Ahsoka glanced at her surprised, but quickly returned to glaring at the other masters. Well except Plo. You didn't have to look to know it was Shaak who was at least trying to comfort you. Ahsoka, Shaak, Anakin, Padme, Rex, and the other clones you knew personally were the only ones you truly trusted.

Once you had begun to calm down, which took about an hour, Ahsoka stood you up. Although you were still in her arms. "We now need to discuss your punishment-" Mundi was interrupted by the death glare he was being sent by Shaak. Who was truly someone to be feared when someone harmed, intentionally or not, one of her surrogate babies. You, her padawans, and the clones. If it was physical harm the person would get a very real threat, one she would gladly carry out, and wouldn't lose a minutes sleep over. If it was mental then she would make you feel pain before killing you. If it was sexual, mental harm to the point of suicidal thoughts or suicide, killing one of her babies, or torturing one... let's just say even the dark side froze in pure fear. And that was putting it lightly. For reference, time Dooku had captured and tortured you for information, it took Shaak six hours to find and rescue you when not even the recon corps, several squads of ARC troopers, and several squads of commandos, couldn't after a week. But not without making Dooku feel equal pain to what you had tenfold. You could still hear his screams of when she stabbed him with her lightsaber, healed the wound with the force, stabbed him, healed him, and repeated said cycle for a month without stop. During which time you had fully healed and was back to pristine health. You were able to take on Grievous again by the time she was done. You think it ended their? NOPE! She stabbed him in the shoulder and force pushed him onto a world with techno beasts.

(A/n: If you don't know what they are, basically techno beasts were a sith creation from the sith wars. They turned living beings into mindless droid zombies. Look it up if you think I'm chatting shit)

The jedi council hadn't been told of exactly how Dooku was killed. But they knew not to press the jedi master on the topic. Having been told what Dooku did to you, they knew it was horrific.

You were brought out of the council chamber by the two togruta and taken to your quarters.

"Hey, would you like to tell me how you've been feeling these last years?" Shaak asked embracing you "I've wanted to leave but Windu stopped me every time I tried. I've felt like a prisoner in my own body, unable to choose anything for myself. This whole chosen one stuff has been forced onto me by the council. I just want to be a normal kid where I can be who I want, do what I want, date who I want, and have a loving family. To know my parents, but I have a mom, so that's no big deal," you stated "who's your mom?" Shaak asked. Sounding a little upset. "I'm looking at her," you replied looking her in the eyes "what about me?~" Ahsoka whispered in your ear, a seductive tone lining her voice, "oh, no, I'm the one who you call daddy," you replied and her eyes widened. Shaak laid you down with a smile practically glued to your face, "it's been months since I've seen you this happy," Shaak commented before kissing your forehead "I have the most important people in my life in front of me. Of course I'm happy. Are you able to make them change their decision on Ahsoka? If they want me to kill Sidious then she has to stay, and we gotta be able to date openly," you stated "I'll let them know. Now get some rest, you look like you heed it," she said standing up. You nodded and practically forced Ahsoka to cuddle with you. "Oh, and Mom? Master Plo has done nothing," you commented "okay, he will be spared from my punishment," she replied and walked out. "Master Ti really is terrifying when she wants to be huh?" Ahsoka commented "yep, I have the best mom in the galaxy. Now shut up and cuddle," you replied, Ahsoka giggled and got naked before pulling you against her.

Shaak walked back into the council chambers. And most were terrified, why? Because she walked in alone. Looking calm. Which was even more terrifying. "Master Ti... is Y/n alright?" Plo asked "yes, he has Ahsoka with him," she replied and he nodded. Shaak could sense which ones were truly worried and sympathetic towards you, but most didn't. They were filled with fear. Shaak sat down and looked around, "are we going to continue our meeting?" she asked and they continued. Although fear was evident.

Time skip

Once you woke up you had Ahsoka still embracing you naked. "How are you feeling?" Ahsoka whispered before kissing your forehead "a little better, but you're making me horny," you replied and kissed her lips. "Master Ti came in while you were asleep, she explained that you're going on a mission to defend Kuat Drive Yards with Master Krell," Ahsoka stated and you frowned "can I at least blow your back out first?" you asked and she blushed "go ahead," she replied smirking.

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