chapter three

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Heyooooo!😘 there's a pic of what Alex looks like  just imagine him with blue eyes😂I forgot to mention that will has a brother. But basically after his parents died when he was five,his brother who was 8 ran away. But anyways enjoy the story! Again,plz plz plz comment!! I also decided to have Alicia be the pack chef not nurse

Alexs pov:

" I had put an IV for fluids in and he should have some of the food I put on the table in there when he wakes up. The nurse said coming out of wills room.
"Im sorry that I have to tell you this,but Will also shows signs of having been sexually assaulted." The nurse said." I think that he should go to therapy for all of this when he is feeling up to it. I could see if the therapist has any opening,say, next week?"
Alex's wolf started crying when he heard that. Alex himself felt as if he could start crying. " Yes, I will talk about it with him." Alex said." Is it alright if I go in now?" He asked. When he had tried to go in earlier will had had a panic attack and had to be sedated.
" Yes its alright just be quiet, I'll be right out here in the hallway if you need something." The nurse said.

" Thank you." Alex replied.
The nurse walked farther down the hallway to call the therapist,Alex assumed.
Alex walked into Wills room only to see the bed empty and the window open.
"Will?! Where are you?" He cried leaning out the window to see if he could still see him. It was only about a ten foot drop out the window to the ground so he jumped and landed gracefully. He quickly shifted to his wolf form so he could catch wills scent and track him.
He quickly mind linked his mom and dad letting them know that will had run and that he was trying to find him. His mom quickly replied saying that she and his father were on their way and that they needed to find will so that Earl could talk to him about who had been abusing him.
He let out a howl when he caught Wills scent, and quickly tracked it into the forest. He almost lost the scent when he had to cross a brook,but found it a little farther upstream. Mate! Where is he?! We have to find him! He could hurt himself! Marcus howled in his mind.
Just then he heard a branch snap to the right of him. Alex froze and sniffed the air to make sure it was his mate. The bitter,acrid scent of fear thickened the air.
He shifted back to his human form
(They keep their clothes when they shift)
" Will? Is that you? Are you okay?" Alex asked." Please come out so  we can take you back to the house!

Wills pov:

" Please come out so we can take you back to the house!" Alex said.
Will let out a small whimper when he heard that. He did not want to go back there. He had been planning his escape for weeks,but then that bastard alpha had to lock him in the basement for two weeks;he had missed his window of opportunity.
"Love bug please come out!" Alex cried." You need to go back inside!"
" My dad is the new alpha and he needs to talk to you about who did this to you!"
The statement caught will off guard and he quickly shifted back so he could ask what Alex meant by that statement. Just as he was about to step out from behind the clump of bushes,he felt a hand clamp down over his mouth stifleing any cried for help Will would have made.
However Alex must have heard something, as he came crashing through the underbrush towards will.
" Let my mate go!" He growled as he saw will being dragged back.
" Whoa man chill!" The mysterious person yelped as Alex crashed into him.
Will was thrown to the side as the mystery man and Alex shifted to their wolf forms and started tearing into each other.
Will started crying silently as the memories flooded his brain.
Flash back -

The sounds of flesh tearing and bones snapping filled the air as the three wolves set upon mark. "stop!! Please stop!!" Erin cried as her husband was being attacked. The two wolves going her back released her when the alpha gave them a nod. " Now why would I do that,sweet Erin?" He asked her.
"Just please, don't hurt him eric!" She choked out through her tears.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the air as Eric backhanded her.  "That's alpha to you, you dirty slut"he growled down to her as she sprawled on the ground from the force of the blow.
" Don't hurt my mommy! " A small voice yelled at the alpha as a tiny body slammed into him. " You don't hit her! Do t hit her you big meanie!" The little boy started hitting Eric with his tiny fists.
"No!" Erin yelped as she grabbed the little boy away from the alpha." Just go back to your room sweetie! I'll come get you ina little bit!" She said tearfully .
" No,I think he should see this." Eric said as he motioned his two enforcers over to grab the boy.
" Alpha please! He's just a little boy! Please don't make him watch this!" Erin pleaded.
"Why should I listen to a lying whore like yourself?" He said.
" Now,Erin. How should I excited your dear little husband? Should I choke him to death or should I just behead him?" When he was answered by the sounds of crying, he grabbed Erin by her hair and shook her as yelled in her face" WELL?! HOW SHOULD HE DIE?!"
"Please... Please..." She whimpered.
" We since you haven't answered I'll just have to decide myself. And I choose execution style." As he said that he beheaded mark right in front of the little boy and Erin

End of flash back-

" Stop!! Please just stop!" Will cried as he covered his ears with his hands to lock out the sounds of fighting that were so similar to the sounds his father's body had made as it was torn apart by the pack enforcers.

Alex's pov:

Alex stopped fighting the rogue and stared at will in shock. Apparently the rogue was startled as well as he had frozen in place. Alex used this to his advantage and jumped on top of the rogue and grabbed his scruff so he could start pumping his alpha pheremones into him. It worked and the rogue slowly stopped struggling.
Alex climbed off top of the rogue and tore the rogues jacket into strips so he could tie him up.
Just then his parents Burt's into the clearing.
Immediately his mom rushed over to will who was curled up in a ball in a small hollow made between some tree roots.
His father came over to Alex and said
" What's a rogue doing so close to the border?"
"I don't know dad, but I'm a little worried" alex said as he stared down at the rogue moaning on the forest floor.
"Did you use your pheromones to knock him out?" Earl asked."how many times have I told you that you should only use your pheromones if you or someone else is in serious danger?"
" He tried to take my mate dad!" Alex said.
"Mate? You found your mate?! I'm so happy for you son!" Earl said excitedly.
" Earl, Alex, there's something you should know: will is and omega." Allyssa said as she straightened form examining a passed out will.
The blood drained from both their faces as they stared at will.
" An omega? " Earl choked out.

        The end. 

Jk. I wouldnt do that to you guys.😁😁
Here's a quick explanation for you guys. Basically an omega is someone who the moon goddess selene blesses when they are born so that regardless of gender they can have children. Omegas are super duper rare and are typically prized by the pack they belong to.
Anyways let me know what you think aaaaand basically yeah that's it! Have a good night or afternoon or morning depending on where you are my friends!😘😘

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