Years Of Regret And Pain (Flashback Part 2)

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***So here's the thing...
It's just a few thousand words of pure sex and sappiness...I knew you were waiting for this.***

The Pierre Hotel
New York City
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Why was the universe this cruel making his lips so incredibly soft?

Stevie lay beneath Lindsey against the pillow of the bed in her hotel suite, just where he'd guided her in his arms as he kissed her, his lips so unbelievably soft and kissable that she kept running through the chorus of "Love Is" in her say nothing about how true the part still was about the touch of his fingertips.

Lindsey lay on top of her with his full weight. For the second time tonight - the first having been the warmth she'd felt being danced in his arms on stage to "Tusk" a few hours ago - Stevie felt as though she were home. That as the only word she had for it, the feeling she got whenever she was next to him, whenever he touched her, held her, let the sheer closeness of his body to hers tell her everything she needed to know without actually saying a word...that with him, she was safe. She was warm. She was loved. Not one thing on earth had ever made her feel so special as the way he made her feel when he was holding her - it was like when she was a really little girl, like before Christopher was born, she thought, and Barbara would come into her bedroom in the morning and call her Teedee-bird and tell her she loved her and pick out her clothes for the day, or when Jess would lift her up into the air and spin her around as she giggled, or when her grandad would let her tap-dance on the bar and he'd call her Stephanie Songbird and she felt totally loved and safe.

If it was at all possible, being in Lindsey's arms topped even those times.

His hands were running up the silky leg of the pajamas she wore, and his mouth had moved from her mouth to her neck. He was devouring her, kissing and suckling and even biting at her skin as she began to moan softly, her fingers running through the curls she hadn't gotten this close to in years...much more gray now, she acknowledged, but still Lindsey, still home. She was arching her body upwards to be as close to him as she possibly could, and she could feel his desire for her against her thigh. Just the slightest move to one side and they were perfectly aligned, and she couldn't help herself - it had been so long and it felt THAT GOOD! She began to grind herself against him as his mouth returned to hers. She happened to open her eye just as his tongue slid into her mouth and she let out a grateful whimper, so desperate for him that she'd begun to tug at his hair, then dig her nails through his t-shirt into his back, and it was when she felt him slide a hand beneath her so he could cradle her in his arms that she came undone completely, unable to keep from crying out as their most intimate parts made repeated contact through their pajamas, and she couldn't remember a time when he WASN'T pressed up against her this close - all memories began and ended with Lindsey and they were one, no question, no hesitation, no time in between this moment and the last time he'd held her. She felt his lips against her collarbone, dusting little feather-light kisses along her skin, and that plus the way they continued to grind against each other made her dizzy, almost made her feel faint with love for him...she didn't know anything but him, this moment, these touches, these kisses. She knew he saw that she was crying but she didn't care; she was too grateful to just finally be allowed to come home.

"My God...Stephanie...I need you..." Lindsey was almost hissing his words as he kissed his way down her body. He sounded starving, desperate, fumbling with the buttons of the silk pajama top she wore and then kissing back up against her skin once she was exposed to his mouth and his hands. He stopped to give each nipple individual attention with his lips and his tongue, cupping the other breast in his hand before switching. Stevie was gasping at the sensation, writhing in his arms, already feeling like she was on fire, like a light that had been turned off in her body and her soul six years earlier had suddenly been switched on again. She struggled to pull his t-shirt over his head and when it fell to the floor, she lifted herself up to cover him with hungry kisses - his neck, his chest, his stomach - anywhere she could reach, gripping his arms and trying to take in every inch of him that she could. She couldn't possibly get enough, and neither could he.

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