Epilogue: And We Were Magic

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Wiltern Theater
Los Angeles, California
& Santa Monica, California
Thursday, May 26, 2011

She was right about the setlist. You can't overwhelm people. She's woven the new songs through the old ones and they're eating it up.

Look at her out there. She's an angel.

Happy Birthday, my beautiful Stephanie. I can't wait for your surprise tonight.

Those were just some of the thoughts Lindsey had in his head while he watched backstage as Stevie sang "Annabell Lee", a song she'd written at seventeen, on her sixty-third birthday at the Wiltern Theater on her In Your Dreams tour. He was waiting his turn to come out onto the stage and perform "Soldier's Angel" with his angel on her birthday, and watching her in her element, he was so proud, so happy, so in love with her that he nearly cried.

It wasn't a secret that Lindsey had resented this world she'd created for herself in 1979, the very first moment she'd approached Paul Fishkin about doing a solo album in Acapulco. He thought back to young, foolish Lindsey, the man who'd left her signed copy of Bella Donna on the floor in the main studio. He didn't even know who that man was. He thought, with a pang of guilt, that Stevie had included him in her list of thanks on every solo album she had ever made...acknowledging his role in her place in the music industry...and he'd been sulking like a baby in the corner because...what? "Edge Of Seventeen" sold more copies than "Trouble"? But his time in Stevie's house last year, watching her work along side Dave and Waddy and the girls...even Mick...had shown him there was no need to be threatened. He was just fine as he was...and Stevie Nicks was a masterpiece.

She was singing "In Your Dreams" now. He'd hung back after his work on "Soldier's Angel" was done, not appearing on camera out of respect for his family...the last thing they needed was for his time with the love of his life captured on film by Dave Stewart as he navigated the world of divorce, property division and custody. Kristen had her kids and her dream home - what she had really wanted from him anyway - and he got to see his kids all the time and stay holed up in Stevie's condo three minutes from the big house where she spent her days having the time of her life working on her first new album in ten years...and sneaking Lindsey into the house every night so they could do what they did best - talk about everything and nothing, fall over each other laughing, dance like fools in their pajamas to the music of their generation, shove in snacks in front of old movies, play with the dog...and make love before falling asleep in each other's arms.

It was 1971 again in 2011, and his heart was full. He had his sweet girl back.

Stevie spoke at length to the audience about "Soldier's Angel" before she introduced him as her "partner in crime." He pulled her into a hug as the audience cheered him onto the stage, and their foreheads met as they quickly whispered to each other over the crowd.

"You're really sparkly tonight, angel," he said, referring to her very bedazzled jacket, which made her look like a shooting star. "You ready to give 'em Buckingham Nicks 2011?"

"Ready, Buckingham." She had to resist kissing him in front of the audience; they were keeping their relationship under wraps until In Your Dreams - and his divorce - was finished.

"Happy Birthday, Nicks. I love you." He took his place and began the haunting guitar intro to the song...it was "brutal" like she wanted it...and together they performed the song that had brought them together a year ago when they were each at home in their different worlds, not realizing their real home was with each other...Buckingham Nicks.

He watched from backstage as she belted out "Edge Of Seventeen", knowing he had to leave before her if he was going to get her birthday surprise ready. He could barely pull himself away as he watched her own the arena as she sang, "She said somewhere deep in the middle of the night, baby, I think about you..." She knew he had to leave; she'd been instructed to have Karen drop her off at her condo after the show and he would let her in. He blew her a kiss off stage as she was singing, "I know what it sounds like...sounds like you..."

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