chapter 3 - dream...

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Dear dream,

i know that you wanted to traumatized those teens but please. They also has a life and you also have a life too... I cannot keep defending you forever.. and yes, i know that you are my son but i cannot let you hurt anyone else. Ever. I'll do anything to protect those who needed my protection even if it cost my life. So dream, leave them alone and never hurt them ever again.

Your beloved mother, Puffy.

Note: this whole chapter are just puffy and dream. You can skip this chapter if you want <3

After puffy done writing on the paper she got up and knock on Tommy's door "hey... I'm going out for awhile. I'll be back, I promise." Tommy shout "ok, be careful! I guess..." Puffy left the house as soon as the sky begin to turn dark but she didn't mind it at all and kept walking. After a while she finally arrive at the prison and went inside it

"Dream...? Are you there, my sweet little duckling..?" Puffy said make the whole abandoned prison echoing. She waited for a minute and saw him.
"Hello, duckling." She gave him a warm smile and give the note to him.

"...thanks..." He take the note out and read it, puffy was just standing there looking at her son reading the note. After dream done reading all of it he's eyes suddenly looking at puffys eyes "what is this...?" "I do not wish to see more innocent people got traumatized because of you so please, stop it." Puffy said with a serious yet concern tone. Dream just went quite and put the note in his pocket.

"Never." Puffy was shocked after she heard him said that "why... I- i can't watch my son go to the prison again! Just... I missed the old you.." "I'm sorry but, the old me has died long time ago." He started to cry and puffy was walking towards him to give dream a hug but dream suddenly back away from her. He doesn't want puffy to go near him so he left her without saying a word, puffy stood there with a sad expression on her face.

She also left with a disappointing face but have to smile through everything so people wouldn't caught her being sad.

After a while, she's finally arrive at her cozy home and went inside. She open tommy's door and saw him sleeping peacefully, she didn't want to wake him up so she close the door and goes to dream's old room. She went inside and take a old clothes from his closet and sat down on dream's old bed, she cried and kept blaming everything to herself.


Words: 456

Pretty short huh :')

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