chapter 8 - war?

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The sun has shine and we both went to puffy house. I knock at the door but nobody answered. So I kick the door with my super power strength. hah! And found puffy laying on the floor. Ranboo was shocked and covering our son eyes. Holy shit. Wait. Does that mean...? I ran to Tommy room and saw nothing. Ranboo was chasing me and finally stop after he came near me. Ranboo look at Tommy's room and finally looking at me. "You know what time it is?" "You... Are you serious?" He said with a surprising tone. "Yup... Time to fucking nuke them all!" I said with a maniac tone. Ranboo stopped me and wanted me to rethink my decision. I already think twice and we're smirking at Ranboo. We both then goes outside and i began to chuckle because oh boy... How dare they kill/kidnapped tommy... Heh. Things about to be fucking epic. I was smirking and Ranboo won't stop making the worried face.

Note: this chapter has a revenge and suicide! HOHOHO THIS'LL BE FUN!
And of course there'll be swearing.

| Ranboo pov |

When we both got home, tubbo won't stop thinking about his next move on how to kill the vampires with his nukes. To be honest, I don't even know why I married him but whatever, that's not the problem right now. I need to find a way on how to stop him before he make those nukes.

-----------conversation between tubbo and ranboo---------------

Ranboo: I want you to stop this instant! *I Hold tubbo hand*

Tubbo: and why should I!? Can't you see? Tommy is literally gone!

Ranboo: yes, i know but if you use the nuke that you we're making, we all gonna die!

Tubbo: so!? Atleast they'll be gone forever!

Ranboo: what is wrong with you!

Tubbo: nothing is wrong with me!

*Micheal walks in the room*

Ranboo: Micheal?

Tubbo: Micheal, out!

Ranboo: tubbo! It's Micheal! He's a kid, you can't just yell at him!

Tubbo: I don't fucking care! Get him the fuck out!

*Ranboo we're shock and take Micheal on his shoulder*

Ranboo: I'm out. Do whatever you want, I don't care anymore... *Ranboo walk away from tubbo*

Tubbo: w- wait! I- i didn't mean too... I-... I was scared i don't want to lose another one! I... You know what? Fine! Get the fuck out of my face! If you won't help me on finding Tommy then I'll do it myself! *Scoff*

*Ranboo ignore him and close the door*

----------the conversation between tubbo and ranboo has ended---------------

| Tubbo pov |

why? Just why!? Why is he being so fucking useless!... Suddenly there was a tears falling down my cheeks. "W- what..." I wipe the tears but it still falling and falling and falling... Fuck! "I'll do anything to bring Tommy back and... Maybe..." Suddenly, I got a idea! A terrible one... I pick up the phone and call someone who are way more insane than the vampires themself... Oh dear, why do i feel like this plan would go terribly wrong? But hey, it's worth a shot. Heh... I was calling dream, George and quackity since these people are pretty much stronger and a bit creepier.

-----------conversation between tubbo, dream, George and quackity------------

Quackity: yellooo!

Dream: omg, shut the fuck up quackity.

Quackity: what! No! You shut the fuck up!

George: both of you, shut up!

Quackity: smh.

George:... Whatchu want, tubbo? I literally we're sleeping on my comfy bed.

Quackity: stop acting like a sleeping beauty, dumbass.

Dream: *sigh*

Tubbo: I call you guys because I wanted to start a war between us and the vampires because they kill/kidnapped Tommy!

Quackity: ooo!! A war you say? Alright! I'm in!

George: my friend...? Alright, that's it, looks like I'll bring dreamXD with me.

Dream: dreamXD...?

George: our God? Duh!

Tubbo: how?

George: me and him we're making a deal.

Quackity: oooo, what deal?

George: none of your business.

Quackity:... Fair.

Dream:... Sorry, but no.

Everyone except dream: why!?

Dream: because I have nothing to do with him?

Tubbo: they also killed puffy. Your biological mother.

Dream:...alright, let's fucking kill those asshole.

Tubbo: alright, we'll meet at the ********** this afternoon.

Everyone except tubbo: we'll be there.

*Tubbo hang up the call*

-----------conversation between tubbo, dream, George and quackity has ended------------

After everyone agree on it I was chuckle and started to continue making the nukes.

| 3:54 pm. |

I was on my way to go to our meeting spot and saw dream. I wave at him and he wave at me softly. We both goes to the meeting spot and already saw quackity and George waiting for us to come here. i shout at them and george we're looking at us. Quackity was looking at something that are distracting him

 Quackity was looking at something that are distracting him

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"Y'all late." George said holding his precious soup. "Sorry, George." Dream apologize. After we all gathering infront of the table, we had a discussion. ,"So, plan?" Quackity said with a serious tone. Huh. It's weird to hear his voice became serious but whatever. After telling them my plan they mouth we're open wide except dream, he was too happy after hearing my suicide plan. "Are you losing your goddamn mind right now?" George said with a surprise tone. I nodded at him and he was completely quite. Quackity wanted to change the plan but dream was defending my plan and said that it's better to be dead than being alive. I mean, i am completely agree with dream. Quackity we're looking at George and after a while, they both we're looking at me and they both nodded as a yes. "Alright, boys! Our plan will surely work! And we'll do this tomorrow" we all go back to our places. Heh... Tomorrow will be a absolutely wonderful day isn't it?

The war will finally began.


Words: 983

Shit is about to get real!

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