chpt 15- Skeleton key

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It feels cold

Waves crashed onto the shores in powerfull forces

pushing and pulling anything in and out by just a simple repetitive motion

Tiny grains of sand moved down like tiny snowflakes from your hands as you toyed around by the beach shore

E/c eyes trailed from the gray skies above and onto the ocean


A voice spoke

Who called my name? You wondered as you looked around the beach in a mesmerizing daze

White silk flowed down from your sand covered knees and onto your ankles as you now turned around in anticipation

It would seem we have finally meet...

Tell me child

You gasped as the feeling of cold hands where placed down onto your shoulders, almost bone chilling

Can you hear the song of the sea? Can you feel its currents as they past by below thy feet?

Goosebumps pecked your skin as the water hits your bare along with a shivering breath of the entity behind you

How did they sneak up on you?

it was hard to turn around, almost impossible as your body felt like cemented stone in your place

Every muscles was locked in place, almost as if the creature did not want you to see them

A light chuckled echoed in the air like windchimes

Not yet my dear, your still way ahead of your time to attain that yet, i have come here to speak to you about the upcoming future my little successor


You winced slightly as their fingers digged onto your skin in a painless but warning motion

It is your Destiny

"What is with Destiny with you demons! Cant you just i dont know! Choose someone else!? Why me!?"

The entity smile stretched by the side of your ear, hands now tugging you back into an iron grip


You raised a brow as the waves started to reach far beyong the beach sore, covering the sand beneath

Just before the awakened Sun, i will bring birth to the very power that many tend to seek

The water levels started to risebelow your knees and onto your tights, making you nervous and want to move away but the entity did not allow it

A power to which can manipulate the rivers and bend the mountains with the very will of a choosen host

Mountains of water before the both of you started to form, your eyes widen in terror and in awe as it kept escalating above and beyong the clouds

Suddenly it all went dark

Your ears felt like drums ready to burst as the water clogged them by their pressure making you hyperventilate and the need to scream

The cold hand traced onto your skin in a slow motion, slowly tilting your head to look above and onto the ceiling of the ocean

Why you? Destiny has chosen YOU as its chosen one, you will carry my soul with you and by the time the stone dissipates, you will have complete control of my very own power- there is no other that is more suitable for this than you human

DISCONTINUED three phases of stupidity- Redson x reader x MkWhere stories live. Discover now