Chapter 1

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"So?" Dave asked me as I walked out of the big building. "Tell me!" He said and I smiled. "I got throw to the next round!" I yelled and jumped to his arms. "Yeeeees!" He yelled as he hugged me and then he placed me to the floor took my face on his hands and pushed his lips to mines. "I told you! You're going to be a supermodel! I know it!" He said and pecked my lips again. "I'm not asking to be a supermodel; I just want to live as a model!" I said smiling as he put his arm around my shoulders and started to walk. "I'm so proud of you" He said and I looked at him. "I just got throw to the next round, I really don't know if I will make it till the catwalk..." I said and he looked at me. "I don't know, maybe yes, or maybe not. But I'm proud of you because you've got the courage to audition and at least to try it." He said smiling and I pecked his lips. "Thanks for believe in me" I said smiling.

We walked to my house and when we entered my mum was waiting for us. "So?" She asked smiling and I nodded. "Aaaaah! That's my girl!" She said and hugged me. "I hope I'll make it to the catwalk..." I said. "Let's just celebrate you got throw to the next round." My mum said and we went to the living room and quickly my mum come with some tea and cookies. "Dave, honey, when are you leaving to Germany?" My mum asked. "Next month" He answered and I looked at him smiling. "But he has promised me he will come at least a couple of times per month." I said smiling. "There are a lot of low cost flights from Germany to London, so yeah." He said as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Y/n's going to miss you so much" My mum said smiling and I looked at her. "Let's not talk about Dave leaving... let's just enjoy that maybe I'll be in the catwalk in 3 weeks!" I said smiling. "Yeah, just let's enjoy this." Dave said and we spent the rest of the afternoon talking about my dream to become a model.

"Don't be nervous sunshine" My mum said to me and I looked at her and smiled. "I'm not" I said even I was more nervous than ever.

It was my turn, I put my underwear on point and then I walked the catwalk to the judges, I made my best smile ever for the shoots and then I walked back to the waiting area. "You've done it so great!" My mum said hugging me and I smiled and hugged her back. "God, I'm so nervous." I whispered as she gave me my bathrobe to cover my body and then I sat down on my place to wait.

I think it was the longest hour in my life, sitting there in that chair, and waiting for the casting to finish, with all the other girls beside me, just like me. Finally a girl came with a list. "This is it" I whispered by myself thinking that I just wanted to hear that girl call my name. "Ok, here I have the names of the girls that are going to be in the catwalk." She said and I took my mum's hand. "Caroline Smith, Amanda Walls, Stephanie Bradford..." The girl started to say a the list of the girls and I was looking to my mum like, 'we're coming home, mum'... "And Y/n Y/l/n." She said and I brought my hands to my mouth and looked to my mum. "You just did it!" She yelled and I hugged her and I let my tears fell down by my cheeks. "I... I... I did it..." I whispered and she smiled and wiped my tears away. "You did it, sunshine!" She said and I smiled. "C'mon, call Dave to tell him!" She said and I nodded and took my phone and dialled his number. "Babe?" "I did it!!!" "Do you!?" "Yes! I'm going to be on the catwalk!" "Oh God Y/n! I'm so proud! I told you! Congratulations babe!" "Thank you! Thanks for believe in me all the time." "You deserve it! By the way, I'm packing right now, when I'll finish I'll come to your home and we'll celebrate it, ok?" "Ok, I'll tell my mum you're going to have dinner with us." "Fine. See you later. I love you" "I love you too, Dave." I finally said and hung up. Then I looked to my mum again and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you baby." She whispered.

"Passengers with flight destination Berlin should be boarding now." The girl called and I looked at Dave. "It's my time to go" He said and took my hand. "The catwalk is in two weeks, you'd be there?" I asked and he nodded. "Of course, babe." He said and I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I will miss you" I whispered and he pecked my lips. "I'll come often, I promise." He said and kissed my lips one last time. "I should get going." He said and I nodded. "Call me when you'll be there, ok?" I said as he took his bag from the floor. "Ok" He said smiling and then he turned and walked to the departures. I took a deep breath and walked to the taxi area to take a taxi to come back. This was the first time I was going to be without Dave by myside. We were dating for 2 years now but he got the opportunity to finish his university career in Germany and he of course took that opportunity. I didn't like at first the fact that he was leaving for a year to another country and we all know that sometimes to have your boyfriend in another country it's difficult to handle, but I knew he loved me and that he would come often to see me. By the way, I was happy because that day was the day I had to start to prepare for the catwalk, so I said to the taxi driver to drive me to the building where they were preparing us for the catwalk.

I entered to the building and I quickly went to the chair with my name. "I can't believe I have a chair with my name" I said by myself. "It's your first time?" a girl asked me and I looked at her. "Yes" I said smiling. "I'm Daisy" She said smiling and I shook her hand. "Y/n" I said smiling and I sat down on the chair. "I didn't see you in the casting" I said and she smiled. "They took me last year. Each year they take new models. If they have taken you this year is because you're really good." She said and I felt my cheeks turned red. "Thanks! It's like a dream come true" I said and she smiled. "This is just the beginning, little Y/n!" She said smiling.

"Y/n!" I heard a voice said and I turned and I saw a man. "Hi" I said shaking his hand. "I'm Troy. I'm going to be your manager." He said and I looked at him and nodded. They said to us in the casting that they were going to put us a manager. "Nice to meet you" I said smiling. "I see you've met Daisy." He said looking at her. "She's so beautiful Troy, I'm afraid she would steal me some photoshoots." She said and I looked at her confused, admiring how beautiful she was. "I'm joking Y/n" She said smiling and touched my shoulder. "She's always joking" Troy said and I smiled. "He's a good manager." Daisy said to me and I looked at her and then at him. "Is your manager too?" I asked and she nodded. "Each manager has two models." Daisy said. "What about the other one you had?" I asked to Troy. "Oh, she's so famous right now. It's a Victoria secret's angel." He said proudly. "Waaw" I said smiling. "And that's what I'm going to make to you both." He said smiling pushing one hand on my shoulder and one to Daisy's. "I have some stuff to do. Daisy, would you show everything to Y/n?" Troy said and Daisy smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Of course!" She said smiling. "Ok my little models, I'll see you later." He said smiling and then he left. "You're going to love Troy's work" Daisy said smiling. "Everything it's so new for me." I said and she smiled and took my hand. "I was afraid the first day and I know exactly how you feel now. But don't be afraid, if you have been throwing to this catwalk it's because you're really good, so thumbs up!" She said smiling and I breathed in relief. "And I'll be here for you, ok?" She said and I nodded. "Thanks Daisy." I said smiling. The rest of the day, I was with Daisy as they were showing us all the clothes we were going to wear, and the all this stuff we were going to do. I was officially a model, and I never thought how my life would be since that moment.

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