Chapter 4

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After a warm shower, I took a pair of skinny jeans and a nice shirt and some cool shoes without heels, and then I started to make my make-up. When I was ready I saw my phone but I didn't have messages from Harry, but suddenly I heard my mum laugh downstairs and I went and I saw my mum and Harry in the couch laughing.
"Harry?" I asked confused and he stood up while my mum did it too. "Hi beautiful!" He said smiling. "Harry knocked while you were in the shower." My mum said smiling. "Oh, sorry" I said and they both started to laugh. "Your mum has showed me pics of you when you were a little kid trying to be a model." He said laughing and I felt embarrassed seeing the picture of me with 6-years-old with my mum's heels on Harry's hand. "Oh my God..." I whispered pushing my hands to my face I felt Harry coming to me and hugging me. "You were so cute!" He said and I started to laugh. "Shut up!" I said laughing and my mum started to laugh. "I like your new friend Y/n!" My mum said and Harry looked at my mum. "It's been a pleasure talk with you but now I should get going with your daughter. We have a concert to attend." He said smiling and my mum nodded. "Have fun guys" My mum said and came to me and kissed my cheek. "Let's go?" I said to Harry and he nodded. I opened the front door of my house and we went to his car.

As we were inside and he started to drive to the arena, he looked at me and smiled. "What are you staring at, Styles?" I said laughing and he smirked. "You" He said. "Me?" I asked smiling. "You look beautiful tonight." He said. "I'm trying to impress MR. Ed Sheeran. You said we'll meet him after the concert." I said and he nodded. "Yes we will! But there is something that makes me a little bit mad." He said and I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. "You're trying to impress Ed but not me..." He said and I laughed. "I thought I did it in the first catwalk" I said and he smirked. "I was joking, and by the way, you always impress me." He said and I felt my cheeks burning. What was happening to me? He was just a good friend, right?

As Harry parked, we quickly got into the arena and he introduced me to his friends. "look over there is an old friend of me." Harry said and I looked at him and I saw him walking to a girl. "No fucking way" I said to myself as I he turned her and walked to me. "Cara let me introduce you my friend Y/n" Harry said and she smiled. "Y/n she is.." But I cut him. "Oh my God! Cara! I'm a huge fan of you! Oh God!" I said freaking out and they both started to laugh. "Hey! I didn't get that reaction when you met me." Harry said and I started to laugh. "Are you joking!? She's Cara Delevingne! She's one of my inspirations!" I said and she smiled. "Sorry Hazza" She said to him and then she hugged me. "She's starting to be a model" Harry said smiling and Cara looked at me. "Really? I'll introduce you to some designers one day, ok?" She said smiling and I nodded frenetically. "Sorry guys, but they are waiting for me" She said and I nodded. "Bye" She said and walked away and I looked at Harry not knowing what to say, just freaking out. "Come here" He said pulling me into a hug. "You could tell me you were going to introduce me to one of my idols" I said and he rubbed my back. "It was a surprise" He said laughing. "Hey you two, why are you two so cuddle?" I heard Daisy said laughing and we quickly turned and I hugged Daisy. "You have no idea who I've met just now" I said and she looked at me confused. "Cara!" I yelled. "No fucking way!" Daisy yelled. "I guess we'll meet her again in the after party." Harry said and Daisy hugged Harry. "Oh my God! I love you!" Daisy said and we all started to laugh.

We heard that the crowd was starting to clap and we went to our seats. I sat beside Harry and then Ed started to sing. "Daisy loves me" Harry sing sang in my ear and I slapped his knee. "She's not interested in you" I said and he looked at me confused. "Why not?" He said and I laughed. "She kind off... prefer Cara" I said and he opened so much his eyes. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Cara is single now, and she like girls..." Harry said smirking. "Oh, Harry Styles, the one that met couples meet." I said laughing and he smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

After the concert, we went in a private club and we meet Ed and a lot of people, Harry introduced Cara and Daisy and they look like they liked each other cause' they were talking and dancing for hours. I was staring at Daisy and Cara dancing and I felt two hands on my shoulders. "Hey" Harry said and I looked at him as he sat down beside me. "Do you want some drink?" He asked me and I shook my head. "I'll take a sip of yours but I don't want to get drunk" I said laughing and he smirked as he let me take a sip of his cocktail. "You've done a good job." I said laughing and Harry looked at me and smiled and then looked at Cara and Daisy. "I guess I did" He said and I slapped his shoulder. "Hey!" He yelled and I laughed. "Do you want to dance?" I asked and he nodded and placed the cocktail in the table and we walked to the dancefloor and started to dance. "I'm having a lot of fun!" I said and he nodded. "Me too!" He said and took my hand and made me turn around my feets. After a while dancing, I was starting to feel tired and they put some slow music for the couples to dance so I went to the couch and sat down. "You're alright?" Harry asked me and I nodded. "Yes it's just, I wish Dave would be here too having fun but I guess that's impossible." I said and I saw sadness on Harry's face. "I think I'm going to take a taxi to get going" I said and Harry stood up. "C'mon let's go. I'll come with you. I'm feeling tired too." He said and I smiled and followed him. As he opened the doors a massive light of flashes got into my face. "oh fuck" Harry said and started to walk. "Let me walk please" Harry said and the paparazzi started to move him. "Harry" I yelled as the paparazzi moved me too to another way. He turned to me worry and walked to me and took my hand to make me come to him and pulled his arm around my shoulder to don't let the paparazzi move me from him during our way to the taxi. "Oh God" I whispered as we were inside the taxi. "How you can get use to this..?" I asked and he took a deep breath. "Jut ignoring them. Calm down, you're safe now." He said smiling.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Daisy asked me as we were working out in the gym. "It's Dave. It's been a couple of days since he doesn't pick the phone up and I'm worry." I said and she looked at me sadly and turned herself to Troy that was sitting on the couch with his computer. "Troy, when do we have our next catwalk?" Daisy asked and he looked at us smiling. "Next week. Why?" He asked. "Can I take a couple of days off?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "Sure, but why?" He said and I stood up and took my phone. "I'm going to take the first flight to Germany. I'll be back in 2 days, ok?" I said and they both nodded. I took my stuff and hugged Daisy before go outside and call a taxi.

"Where, mrs.?" He said. "To the airport, please." I said and he nodded. As he started to drive, my phone started to ring. It was Harry. "Hey beautiful!" "Hazza, I'm going to the airport." "What? Why?" "It's Dave..." "He hasn't answered yet?" "No..." "I'm sure he's busy." "Maybe... but I need to know about him." I said and I heard him took a deep breath. "Just... just call me whenever you'll know anything, ok?" He finally said and I nodded even I knew he wasn't seeing me. "Bye Hazza." "Bye Y/n, take care." He said and then I hung up.

The flight was too long even it was just a couple of hours, and when I finally landed, I took a taxi and said to the taxi driver the address where Dave's residence was. I was in front of the reception of the residence when the lady looked at me confused. "Excuse me, are you looking for something?" She asked me looking me from my feets to the top of my head. Yeah, I was still wearing my workout suit from the gym because I didn't take time to change my clothes. "Yeah, sure. I'm Dave Jasons' girlfriend; I'm looking for his bedroom." I said and the lady nodded and looked into her computer. "Room 212." She said smiling and I nodded and walked upstairs to his room. As I was in front of his room, I heard music inside and I was going to open the door and I felt I wasn't blocked, so I opened it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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