chapter 1

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If you told 8 year old Robin that she would actually have real friends she would've thought you'd have gone mad.

Those were the things going through my head whilst I'm watching the boys (Steve, Dustin, Lucas and Mike) attempt to skate across the rink. Me, El and Max have all burst into a fit of hysterical giggles.

It was the first day of summer vacation and I couldn't be happier to have a break from school. A person can only re-read Frankenstein so many times. Not that I'm complaining though Mary Shelly really has a way with words.

"Hey!" Steve calls once he can finally Stand up without toppling over. "If we're so funny, why don't you try!" Steve snaps trying to sound serious but failing epicly.
"Gladly" I call back smirking. "Let's show them how it's don't ladies" I says to the girls. We all grin and start to skate, gliding effortlessly across the polished wooden floor. We slow down once we start to catch up to the steve. "And that's how it's done" I say grinning and high fiving the girls. Steve rolls his eyes but then suddenly smirks,"funny how a year ago you made fun of how i was friends with dustin, now look at you" he says still smirking. " I roll my eyes and snap back; "oh please these kids are cooler than you, of course I'd rather hang out with them"

Steve turns red and looks away while I shoot a cheeky grin at the girls.

"Anyway where do you want to have lunch?" I ask heading over to Lucas, Dustin and Mike who are trying to take of their shoes. "Hmm let's grab a burger" Lucas replies, you could practically see his stomach rumbling. "OK, sounds good, but first let's check up on Will, maybe even bring him some sweets" Mike says, Will was stuck at home because he unconventionally caught a bad Stomach bug.

" Yeah ok" me and Steve reply at the same time. I still feel kinda guilty of us having fun while Will was at home, laying in bed but he had insisted that we still go, saying that he didn't want to be a party pooper. Everyone else was happy to go but I still feel a sort of lingering guilt.

Hey guys! That's the end of chapter 1! It was pretty short so I'll try to make the next one a bit larger. Hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night ! 💕

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