𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

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"The Crimson Blade and The Marine Hero Garp The Fist are your family?!?!" exclaimed most of the Straw Hats simultaneously.

"Yeah! Duh, who else would they be??" Luffy responded, completely oblivious to what was amiss.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but facepalm internally.

Without any warning, Garp promptly delivered another punch to Luffy's head.


Garp began banging on Luffy's head repeatedly.



Before Garp could inflict further head trauma upon Luffy, (Y/N) stepped in.

"Please calm down, Gramps. Luffy won't understand anything you say if you keep hitting him over the head."

Reluctantly, Garp released his hold on Luffy.

"Now that Gramps isn't hitting Luffy anymore, let's talk about why we came here."

However, before they could proceed with the conversation, the sound of clashing swords echoed in the background. A teenager with light pink hair tried to engage Zoro in combat, but Luffy swiftly joined the fray, overpowering the teen.

"Luffy-san, Zoro-san, it's been a while!" the teenager greeted, surprising both Luffy and Zoro.

"You don't recognize me, right? Well, my name is Koby."

"I had a friend named Kob—Wait! KOBY, IS THAT YOU?!?!" Luffy exclaimed, clearly taken aback. Koby's appearance had changed considerably since they last met.

"What are you doing in the Grand Line?" Zoro inquired, equally stunned.

"I heard that Vice Admiral Garp was going to visit you guys, and I wanted to meet you all again!"

(Y/N) decided to step in to join their conversation

"Koby, you know Luffy?"

"Yea! He helped me become a marine after the incident with Captain Morgan. "

"That's nice." (Y/N) smiled warmly happy to see Kobys reunion with Luffy

After the surprising reunion, Garp requested some wood and a hammer to fix the wall he had broken. While he worked on the repairs, Garp suddenly realised something.

"Oi, brat, I heard you met your old man in Loguetown."

"Old man?"

"Oh, so he didn't tell you?"

Luffy was thoroughly perplexed, wondering who this "old man" that Garp was talking about could be.

"He's talking about your dad, Luffy," (Y/N) explained, aware that this conversation was about to take a significant turn.

"Your father's name is Monkey D. Dragon, and he is a Revolutionary!"


The room fell into suspense.





Everyone recognized the name of the Revolutionary Dragon, a man deemed the most wanted criminal by the World Government. Now, they were learning that he was Luffy's father.

"I never heard Dragon's full name before!"

"The Revolutionary Dragon has a SON?!"

"What the hell is with this family??"

"Who's that??" Luffy asked, blissfully unaware of the tension in the room.

"Idiot, you don't know the name 'Dragon'?" Sanji questioned their dense captain.

"Your father is a very dangerous man!" Nami added.

Luffy, still grappling with the sudden revelation, was about to seek clarification from Robin when (Y/N) intervened.

"Dragon is the name of the so-called worst criminal who formed a group of revolutionaries to challenge the World Government, leading to uprisings and the fall of several kingdoms. Naturally, the government is furious, but he has never been captured."

Garp, realising he'd shared more sensitive information than intended, chimed in, "I shouldn't have said that."

Everyone turned their attention to him.


"Forget what I said."


A few minutes later, after the wall was fixed, Garp, (Y/N), and Luffy stood outside the building.

"I've decided not to arrest you, since you're my grandson, but that doesn't mean I won't come after you next time!"

"As if I'll become the Pirate King before you can arrest me!"

"Stubborn brat! If it weren't for your older sibling here, I'd give you ten fists of love!!"

(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle softly. The argument reminded them of the times when they were younger, and Garp and Luffy would engage in similar quarrels.

However, as the argument subsided, (Y/N) made their way back into the bar to meet Luffy's crew. They hoped that Luffy had chosen a reliable group, even though they knew their little brother well enough to expect otherwise.

The Straw Hat Pirates gazed at the door to see The Crimson Blade entering. Some prepared for a potential fight, knowing of their formidable reputation. Yet, instead of unsheathing their katana, (Y/N) simply smiled and bowed before them.

"My name is Kamado (Y/N), and it's a pleasure to meet Luffy's crewmates."

The Straw Hat Pirates were visibly startled by the politeness, not something they expected from a marine. However, SANJI couldn't resist the opportunity to make his move.

"My name is Blackleg Sanji. It's an honour to meet such a beautiful rose."

ZORO rolled his eyes at Sanji's antics but also stepped forward to introduce himself, having heard rumours about The Crimson Blade's strength.

"I am Roronoa Zoro. I've heard rumours about The Crimson Blade being strong enough to challenge Mihawk. How about we test that someday?"


"No, it's all right. I'm genuinely interested in seeing Luffy's crewmates in action."

(Y/N) smiled warmly at them, causing Sanji's nose to bleed and Zoro to blush faintly, an effect mirrored by the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"May I know who the rest of you are?"





"It's nice to meet you all as Luffy's crewmates. I hope you can take care of him on your journey. This probably won't be our last meeting, so I'll see you soon."

(Y/N) bowed once more and left the bar, following Garp back to the ship. The Straw Hat Pirates knew that this encounter marked the beginning of an unexpected relationship with The Crimson Blade, one they couldn't predict but were certain would be memorable

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