𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐏𝟗

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"We have to decide whether or not to decommission CP9," declared Fleet Admiral Sengoku, as a round table of vice-admirals gathered in Marineford to discuss a crucial matter.

The fate of CP9, officially known as Cipher Pol Number 9, hung in the balance. CP9 was the World Government's elite assassination group, trained to be the most skilled, cunning, and lethal of all Cipher Pol units. They had never failed a mission, until now.

CP9 had failed to apprehend Nico Robin, and they had been defeated by a group of relatively inexperienced pirates. This failure raised serious questions about the group's future.

"I say we exterminate them," proposed Vice-Admiral Strawberry, a sentiment shared by others who viewed CP9 with disdain.

"And why is that, Vice-Admiral Strawberry?" inquired Sengoku.

"They're a drain on our resources, constantly requiring surveillance, and they couldn't even complete their mission during the five years they spent on Water 7."

Sengoku contemplated the statement, considering the issue at hand. However, it was Vice-Admiral Kamado (Y/N) who spoke up.

"I would have to disagree."

The other vice-admirals turned their attention to (Y/N), intrigued by their perspective.

"CP9 was placed under questionable leadership when it came to who was giving the orders. Most of us know Spandam might be intelligent, but he is not exactly skilled at issuing commands."

This statement resonated with many in the room. Spandam, while intelligent, had a reputation for being ill-tempered and prone to fits of rage, making him an unpopular figure.

"If we remove Spandam, what will become of the members of CP9?" asked one of the vice-admirals, prompting a chorus of suggestions.

"We could replace them with new members."

"Just disband the unit."

"We should remove them from active duty."

Amidst the discussions, Vice-Admiral Kamado (Y/N) appeared deep in thought. They were well aware of who CP9 was and what they represented. Luffy had recently shared with them the events surrounding CP9's mission, including the confrontation with Rob Lucci.

(Y/N) respected CP9 in their own way. They acknowledged the group's ruthlessness and their willingness to accomplish their mission, even if it meant taking lives. But they couldn't bring themselves to hate them entirely.

(Y/N) knew that CP9 had undergone brutal training from a young age, leading some members to become desensitized to violence and bloodshed. Yet, they also saw the potential for redemption if the right leadership were in place.

'Yes, they may still eliminate targets, but under the right guidance, we can ensure there are no civilian casualties as there were last time' 

(Y/N) had made up their mind.

"I could take charge of them."

The room fell silent. All eyes were on the young vice-admiral.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Sengoku, concerned about the safety of (Y/N).

"BWAHAHA! I'm sure they can handle it, Sengoku," declared Vice-Admiral Garp with confidence, a sentiment shared by many who believed in (Y/N)'s capabilities.

"Very well. From this day forward, CP9 will be under the command of Vice-Admiral Kamado," announced Sengoku, making the decision official.

The next day....

The following day arrived, and it was time for (Y/N) to meet CP9 face to face. They had never interacted with the members of CP9 before, having only caught glimpses of them around Marine HQ.

(Y/N) stood before a large door, taking a deep breath before entering the room. Inside, they found the members of CP9, each bearing visible injuries wrapped in bandages.

The room's atmosphere was tense. The members of CP9 had been informed about the change in leadership, but they had not expected any vice-admiral to take them under their wing. Their curiosity turned to surprise when Vice-Admiral Kamado (Y/N) stepped in.

The members of CP9 had heard stories about (Y/N) and their popularity among the lower-ranking marines. They admired (Y/N)'s natural charisma and ability to inspire others. Still, they had no idea what to expect from the vice-admiral.

(Y/N) sensed the tension and decided to break the ice with a polite introduction. They offered a quick bow and a warm smile.

"Hello, I am Vice-Admiral Kamado (Y/N). We will be working together from now on."

CP9 was taken aback by the courteous introduction, as they were accustomed to receiving orders and little respect for their hard work. The small gesture of a polite greeting left them feeling... something they couldn't quite define.

A tall man with a bird perched on his shoulder, sporting a sling and bandaged injuries, stepped forward. He attempted a bow but winced in pain, and (Y/N) quickly caught his arm to prevent him from falling.

"I am Rob Lucci. It's an honor to meet you, Vice Admiral Kamado," Lucci said, struggling to maintain his composure despite the pain.

Lucci tried to bow again but winced once more, prompting (Y/N) to reassure him, "Hey, there's no need to bow."

Lucci looked up and met (Y/N)'s kind, red eyes, finding their concern comforting. Before he could express his gratitude, the other CP9 members introduced themselves.






Each member introduced themselves in turn, and (Y/N) greeted them warmly, "It's nice to meet you all! I hope we can make a great team."

And so it was formed the '(Y/N) protection squad'

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And so it was formed the '(Y/N) protection squad'


(Y/N): Shows common respect and kindness like a normal person

CP9: *Instantly becomes attached* 

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