𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟷 || 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚜𝚔

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Butterflies filled up in the young man's chest as he was encouraged by his friends. "C'mon Jake. You may as well. She's not going to hate you."

He stared at the magenta haired boy. "I know, it's just I've had a crush on her for the longest time ever and—"

He was stopped before he was allowed to continue. "And your too scared to be rejected. Look it's fine. If she rejects you then she was never worth it anyway."

This didn't make Jake feel at peace though. Daisy was a pretty girl both personality wise and look wise. Asking her out would be a mistake if it went wrong.

"I guess" "Well do it anyway. Your not going to get her from sitting in the shadows" Drew said, basically telling his friend how to sort out his love life.

Jake sat there in silence thinking over his friends' words. He'd been in love with her for years yet this all seemed to much. Maybe it was better to ask her after the competition.

"Hello! Jake!!" Henry said, snapping his fingers in-front of his friends face hoping for a response. The boy had been debating on how to ask out his crush for five minutes and seeing him sit so silent and still was quite irregular.

Eventually, after several (literal) minutes of thinking, the peach haired boy made up his mind to ask Daisy out after the performance. "JAKE!!"

"Oh uh yeah.-" his lettuce haired and brained friend backed out of his face and onto his seat.

"Will every performer please head back stage. The student band competition will be starting in ten minutes."

"Well, guess I better get going." Jake explained while getting out of his seat. "Good luck simp!" Henry shouted.

"Remember to ask her out. Unless who want me too." Liam teased jokingly. He smiled at the three before heading back stage.


Stacy took her seat amongst the rest of the people watching as she slowly drifted off into a day dream for the time she had left prior to the start.

She remembered her crush on the drummer. Was she even truly over it? If he came on stage would she immediately regret coming?

Her previous crush, Luke, and been admittedly going out with Zander — some boy from their class.

As much as she was happy for the two, she wasn't fully over the facts. Staring at someone every corridor for weeks on end wondering if they'll ever feel the same way towards you to now seeing them kissing someone in those same places just didn't make it easy for her to adjust to reality.

A couple more people filled the seats before the stage curtains opened on an older man, who then began introducing the band competition and all the performances that'd be playing that night.

About mid-way though the competition, the rose-meadow high school student band started playing.

But just like she had suspected it would, it caught Stacy off guard to see her previous crush again. In school, avoiding him was relatively easy, but since she hadn't gotten over him fully and he was in the spotlight it really wasn't helping.

Their performance began with a little speech to the crowd telling them about who each person was and a little message.

Stacy smiled. Maybe this time she wouldn't let. Her feelings get the better of her. Maybe this time she'd enjoy the show rather than indulge in the heartbreak..

CAN'T HANDLE REJECTION ; jacyWhere stories live. Discover now