Food and new home!

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Right after the decision was made, I was also checked up once again by RG before she actually gave to good to go for me to actually not be in the infirmary anymore. This was how we quickly went to their car to get to the heroes home. My thought and the feeling of dread were all over the place. We were far from out of danger and I couldn't help but squeeze Mew in my arms.

Mic: Oh you exited to come with us little listener?

Me: A bit.

Mic: Oh great! That reminds me how about we go eat out Sho?

Sho: Sounds good. Problem child any preferences?

Me: No,

Mic: How about Mexican then?

Sho: You up for spice kid?

Me: Never had mexican food.

Mic: Then that is where we go.

Sho: Fine by me.

Mew: Izu...

Me: ....

Mew: It's fine. We are with two heroes. Mewtwo doesn't seemd dumb. It won't attack us recklessly. So relax.

Me (whispering): I know.. I just... I can'T help but worry.

Mic: What was that?

Me: Nothing.

It was like that we went to a restaurant and eat out. That was something I did for the first time and Mic did actually order a lot of food so I could try and I also eat just what I liked. The thing was tho, I wasn't that great with spice but loved deserts soo much. So in the end they ordered something less spicey for me on top of everything and one wouldn't believe it but we actually go everything eaten up.

This was ridiculous!

How could they eat soo much?!

How could they even order soo much?

Where they starving or think I was starving?

From all the food I just ate a plate which was not really filled with a lot of stuff and dessert as well as have a spoon full of everything else so I could try. The one eating everything up was Mic and he actually seemed to enjoy it. Aizawa on the other hand was just eating his food he ordered and also some coffee and more coffee.

Once we got to the house, I felt some pair of eyes on me once again but I couldn't see anything and I knew that something was about to happen for sure.

Aizawa: Are you okay problem child?

Me: Ah.... yeah....

Of course after a while I got in with them. I needed to make sure that there was really nothing watching us but the feeling never vanished at all. While I was thinking about Mewtwo and the danger which was still lurking around us, I came inside the house and looked around. This house was a bit huge and so they showed me around and even told me I could chose which room I would take as my own. There were 3 guest bedrooms because they had Mdinight and Ingenium sleep over pretty often.

After thinking about it, I chose the one bedroom which was the closest  to the heroes. It only made sense since I felt as if someone would attack us at any minute. I knew not to be this foolish and discard my gut feeling. It was never wrong and it helped me avoide some bullying in the past too.

Right after the small look around, we came back to the living room where we all sat together. It wasn't this late today and they decided to tell me a bit about them so that we could actually get to know each other.

Mic: Okay so you know who we are, right little listener.

Me: Yeah.

Mic: So let's talk about things that people don't know about us.

Me: ...

Mic: What's your favorite food?

Me: I like sweet things. I have a rather sweet tooth.

Mic: I can take up some spice and Sho here loves bitter. Seems like we have everything now in our family. Then what you like to do little listener?

Me: I don't know.

Mic: Hmm how about sports? You like sports?

Me: Does running count?

Mew: Mh! It feels soo nice when we run down the beach!

Mic: It does. Why not.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Mic: Why are you sighing again?

Aizawa: *sigh* how about we let him rest?

Me: hm?

Aizawa: Nothing against you problem child.

Mic: Oh yeah.. thinking about it.... You might be right.... I mean you just recovered.

Aizawa: Go to your room kid and just relax for the day. Take it easy.

Me: Okay...

It was like that that I stood up, bowed to the in respect and went to go to the room I chose to be my own room. It was a bit away from their bedroom and I was really sleepy the moment I dropped on the floor. It was because I never ever lied in a bed this soft before that I kinda fell asleep the moment I hit the mattress.

Mew: They are nice.

Me: Agree.

Mew: You know it is coming?

Me: Yeah.

Mew: We are not ready.

Me: Is there anything we can do?

Mew: Syncronize.

Me: You don't mean.

Mew: Yes.

Me: Isn't this dangerous tho?

Mew: It's either that or we die. I don't see any other possibilitiy.

Me: I see. Well better try and fail then go down without doing anything.

Mew: Agree.

Let's just say I was a goner at this point and really already gone into La-La-Land.

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