Black Scribbles

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I was freezing.

The heating had just fallen out. Apparently the storm wasn't getting any better.

Any time we thought it had calmed down enough for Zoe and her parents to come back, another big wave of snow would hit.

None of the sweaters I had brought were warm enough. So I decided to take one of Connor's sweaters. They were a lot bigger and a lot warmer than mine.

I had asked him and he said he was fine with it. So now, I was walking to Connor's room.

After opening his wardrobe, I took out the first big sweater I found, which was, of course, black.

I snuggled in it's warmth. His faint smell hung on it, calming me down.

After a moment of relishing in his sweater, I turned to leave, but something on his desk caught my eye.

I had seen it every morning when I woke up and I always wondered what it was.

I slowly walked towards it, dragging my feet slightly in the process.

His desk was covered with pieces of paper, all drawn on.

I randomly picked one up and saw a sketch of a person.

They were very small in a corner of the page. The rest was filled with dark black scribbles. Some of them looked like hands reaching towards the crouching figure. Others resembled snakes.

Frowning, I placed it down and picked up another. This one looked like a self portrait.

Or at least the beginning of one.

I could recognize Connor's eyes and his jaw, but all the rest was scribbled through. It looked like he just gave up and wildly dragged his pencil over the whole thing.

Still holding it in my hand, I looked over the other drawing.

Most pages where filled with back lines. Some of them had people in them, crying or screaming. And others had hands. Hands reaching out or scratching at something.

"Y/N, I'm-" Connor's voice behind me cut off.

I quickly turned around, clutching the paper in my hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice stone cold. The complete opposite of his earlier tone, which was light and warm.

"I just stumbled onto your drawing." I tried explaining, while he took long strides towards me.

He pushed them all towards himself in a pile and pushed them all against his chest.

"You can't just be snooping around my stuff like that." He said, his voice raising. "Who are you? My fucking mother."

"Connor, are you okay?" I asked, taking a step towards him. I tried my best to keep my voice calm.

"What do you care? You're just my little sister's friend. You don't fucking care about me. So don't act like you do." He was practically yelling at me now.

"I do care. Your drawings." I said, looking down at the paper in my hand, before looking back at Connor. "Their so beautiful, but they radiate this feeling of anger and... sadness. What's wrong?"

He took a step back.

"Stop it." It didn't sound like an order. He tried to make it sound like one, but it just sounded sad.

"Please." I pleaded. "I just want to help."

He was breathing loudly and he seemed like he was about to explode.

"Please." I whispered.

He looked at me for a second, seemingly trying to figure something out.

He took a hold of the drawing I was holding and yanked it towards him. In the process, the paper ripped in half.

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