Lucy's sick?

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Natsu's POV

I picked her up bridal style and placed her onto my bed. She complained all the way there. I then put my hand to her forehead.

It was heating up like she was in a microwave that was on full power.

"Natsu I'm fine" she said. She tried to get up but I placed my hands on her shoulders and held her down.

"Stop it Luce" I said to her as she struggled to get up.

"Natsu I have to get up and look after you, your the one whose sick remember" she said to me.

"I'm fine Lucy, just a cough now" I told her. She grew more tired as she struggled. After a while her body shut down and she just slumped on the bed and didn't move. Her eyes looking at me in understanding.

"I'm gunna make you some soup so stay here and get some rest" without a second thought I leaned down further and quickly kissed her forehead. She gasped but smiled. At least now I knew she didn't mind me kissing her.

I walked into the kitchen and started to make the soup. Glancing back at Lucy every few months bites to make sure that she was okay.

When the soup was finally ready I took it to Lucy in a bowl and fed it too her. She seemed resistant at first but soon she realised she was hungry and gobbled it down nearly faster than I would have. She smiled and it seemed like she really liked my soul.

"Wow slow down Lucy" I said to her. She giggled. I had never seen her eat so fast in the time that we had known each other.

Her blonde hair was a mess but i didn't care. I hate 'plastic people' and Lucy seemed to love and embrace everything about herself. that's one of the things I love about Lucy Heartfilia.

She not only loves everything around her but she is the kindest and sweetest person I've ever met. Her presence alone makes me smile.

Once she had finished the soup I washed up all the dishes that I had used. it took me quite a while because I had used a lot of different things. I don't think I was suppose to use so much but I don't cook very often so I don't have much experience.

Lucy's POV

After Natsu had given me some 'different' soup. If you catch my drift. If you didn't, it was horrible. Worst soup I have ever tasted. But I smiled as I ate it because he had made it for me and you was hungry. I know he doesn't cook often so it made me feel kind of special.

He started to wash up the dishes and I lay in bed. thinking of all the incredible adventures we have had together, and all the events of today. For the first time in a long time I feel like someone loves me.

Father never gave the impression that he cared about me so it was a shock for me when I came to Fairy Tail. Everyone was so nice and loving. It made me feel apart of the family that I had never had.

Natsu eventually came back over to his bed to make sure that I was okay. I tried to sit up but my head suddenly got fuzzy. I scrunched up my face in pain and fell back into a lying position.

"You okay Luce?" He asked me. Concern in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine I just need a rest". I felt cold. So cold. Like I was in a freezer. I started to shiver and wrapped my blankets around me tighter.

I suddenly felt someone get into the bed with me. Warmth instantly consumed the bed.

"Natsu" I breathed as he slid his arms around my waist. His face was nuzzled into the side of my neck.

I blushed but didn't say anything. It might be embarrassing but it felt right. And warm.

I sighed and leaned into him more. Excepting his strange body heat.

Natsu POV

When I nuzzled my head into her neck she blushed but didn't complain. She just sighed and leaned into me more. I felt sudden relief. I didn't know why I got into bed with her but it felt like the right thing to do.

She had started to shiver. I knew I needed to keep her warm but I didn't have any other blankets.

As we both got comfortable she suddenly fidgeted and then turned around to face me. I look at her in confusion.

What was she doing?

She leaned in close to me and out lips met. Only for a split second but in those moments it felt like mini fireworks were going off. She smiled and I smirks back in awe.

She then turned back over and snuggled deeper into my chest.

"Goodnight Natsu" she said to me. I chuckle as I remember my promise to her whilst I was still ill. I hadn't realised that the day I had to look after Lucy would come so soon.

"Goodnight Lucy"


Hi just wanted to say thanks for all the votes, comments and reads. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


OMG I just saw that this story had over a thousand reads. Thank you.


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