Blankets and unanswered questions!

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Lucy's POV

That night I stayed at Natsu's house. I hadn't wanted to be a bother but he had insisted I stayed as in his own words "I would be lonely and you always made me feel better".

These comments always made me blush. He was so oblivious too much going on around him. I truly believe that he doesn't even know what the word love means.

Happy is staying over at Wendy's tonight to be with Carla. He really does like her.

Mira left an hour after Natsu had eaten and he had drifted back to sleep again once she had left. I walked to a cupboard and pulled out a few blankets, putting some on Natsu and then leaving one for me. I was exhausted. I had never looked after anyone like this before and it made me tired.

I then walked over to the sofa and lay down, pulling he blanket over me as I did. I shut my eyes so that no light could be seen and started to drift into a deep sleep.

Natsu's POV

I woke up quickly as I started to cough up my lungs. Well at least that's what it felt like.

Once I had finished I looked around my house. It was clean. I scanned the room for Lucy. Last night I had asked her to stay but I wasn't sure if she would.

My stomach started growling and I carefully got out of bed and started to shuffle towards the kitchen.

As I neared it I saw one of my blankets on the floor by the sofa. When I got closer I saw a blonde haired angel sleeping on the sofa. I smiled and picked up the blanket, draping it across Lucy's body as I did too keep her warm.

I smiled. She was as beautiful as ever. Her peaceful face sleeping soundlessly on my sofa. I then walked away not wishing to disturb her.

When I finally got into the kitchen I saw a box of cereal on the side. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon he I pored the cereal and milk into it once I had received the milk from the fridge.

I ate it quickly and then shuffled back to my bed. I lay down and thoughts started buzzing through my mind.

A few minutes later it finally settled on an image of Lucy inside of my head. I had so many questions that I didn't know how to answer.

Why did she make me feel this way? Is there something wrong with me?

And why does every time I look at her I feel like my heart is about to explode from beating too fast?

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