My Endless Grief

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I have a question for you,
Darling, my love, my biggest scar
Are you happy?
Have you found what you were looking for,
That pillar of strength that you needed,
The man with a heart as wide as the oceans bed
The man with dreams bigger and brighter than the sun
The man you thought would love you irregardless, without conditions nor prejudice
I was here yet you never saw,
I screamed yet you never heard
Cried yet you didn't mind.

It's not jealousy, I don't wish to avenge,
my broken heart, my wounded pride.
I only wish to know if he's treating you right,
Touching you in all the right places,
Kissing you even in your sleep
Does he bear the love I have for you, is it as deep?
Does he see the light in your eyes,
Does he make it burn brighter
Or is he just like the others
Proof of your Savior-complex

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