It's Your Fault: Cancer (f) x Scorpio (m)

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Setting: Cancer and Scorpio are the golden couple of their school. Cancer is the head cheerleader and Scorpio is the football team's star quarterback. Even if people don't want to be them, they want to have a relationship like them. What's underneath the surface, however, is another story.

Cancer POV:

Ugh!! It's all his fault! Why is he laughing and touching Libra, his best friend? And why am I so jealous?

Scorpio is running up to me and I turn my head from him. Confused, he asks me what's wrong.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that you're here canoodling with some other girl while I'm standing in the hallway!"

"What? No, how many times do I have to tell you? Libra is gay, and we're only best friends"

"Oh yea, then why was she touching all over you?"

"We're friends!! How can you not understand that? I would never leave you for anyone else!"

"But you'd leave me for Libra, that's for sure"

"Ugh, I just can't with you. Why can't you believe me?"

"Because it's hard to believe you when you're doing stuff like this. Whatever, I don't want to think about this now. I think we need a break"


"I said, we need a break Scorpio. Bye"

I walk away from him, tears in my eyes. I know I was over-exaggerating, but I was his girlfriend. I just recently came back from vacation, and Scorpio didn't even notice me come in the school. He was too busy talking to his best friend. 

A few weeks later...

I'm walking to Libra's house and I knock on the door, reprimanding myself for not apologizing to Scorpio sooner. Libra told me that Scorpio was in her house, and was crying in his room as we speak (I don't believe her).

Libra opens the door. 

"Hey Libra... I'm sorry for the way I acted. I know you like girls, but I still accused you for being a homegirl to Scorp. Will you ever forgive me?"

"Yes, Cancer. I will. Whenever I get a girlfriend, I'd want her to give me her absolute attention and so I know how you feel. Anyways, why don't you go up to Scorpio's room? I'm gonna take a walk right about now, so you guy have the house to yourselves." Libra smiles at me reassuringly, and I leave to walk up the stairs. 

I walk up to his room and knock on his door. 

"Scorpio... It's me Cancer. Open up now, would you?"

I hear sniffles and shuffling from the other side of the door. 

Was he really cooped up in his crying?

Before I could ponder the thought any longer, Scorpio opens the door and engulfs me in a hug. It's been so long since I felt his touch, and I lean in to his warmth. I love his over-sized hoodies that he wears all the time because they're soft and comfortable. 

"I'm sorry Scorpy. I never should have accused you for something you never did."

He places his chin on my head. 

"Hey, at leasy you're back. I should apologize to you for not noticing that you came back from Italy. I should have been there and be the first one you talked to. But instead, I was talking and laughing with Libra. Ugh, I'm such an idiot."

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here now, and I'll be here for a long time, so don't worry"


He shifts and hugs me again. He then pulls back and looks into my eyes a long time before leaning down to kiss me. I kiss back and put my arms around his neck, bringing him into me. 

He puts his hands on my waist and deepens the kiss. 

It's been so long since I've kissed him like this. I can't believe I was waiting this long for him.

Author's Note:

This was nice chapter to write. I liked including a realistic relationship in this because although a couple can be seen as perfect, there's more to it than just the surface. 

Now, let's see the next one!

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