The Nature of it All: Taurus (m)

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Setting: Taurus finds himself lifeless in the city and decides to take a trip to the downtown rural area. There, he discovers many aspects of life and love from nature...

Taurus POV:

 I wake up with my head aching and I groan and sit up straight. I look over my surroundings and find that I'm in an abandoned city. The streets are bare, the trees are lifeless, and the buildings are broken and chipped. Confused, I stand up, and walk to the trees to touch them, but my hand goes through the trunk of the tree. 

Surprised, I jolt back, and then realize what must have happened. I'm a ghost. I just died and this is how I will live my life after death until I'm sent to heaven... or hell. 

Thinking this as an opportunity for infinite travel, I walk across the street and decide to head into the downtown area. 

As I'm walking, I familiarize myself with the place, and figure out that it was my city that I lived when I was alive. 

The main building in the center of the city  that used to be my university, is now in rambles and crumbled materials. 

I see the bones of dead people around, and I also see the world in a monochrome nature. The greens, reds, and blues have all turned into different shades of grey and black. I see white when I look at the sun, and I see black when I look at the night sky. 

As I'm walking passed the buildings, I take in a sense of the natural beauty around me: The beauty of death. The beauty of love for nature, as I'm now taking it for granted. 

I'm soon hit with a sense of nostalgia as I pass my house and my schools. I recall the first time I've felt love and the last time. My wife, whom I miss dearly... Where is she now? I wonder. 

I died at an early age, so she may have found someone else. It was crazy for me to visualize this place as something it once was. 

In another world, the city is as vibrant as I had left it. 

But for right now, the city is dull and lifeless. The city has taken my heart in its ashen glory.

Author's Note:

This story was interesting to write, as it was a little sad. The main character has already passed away, and we get his POV of when he dies. The story ends in a beautiful note, however, which makes up for the melancholy present in the beginning. 

Let's move on to the next one!

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