Lost in the Rain: Libra (f) x Scorpio (m)

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Setting: Scorpio and Libra were never supposed to meet, let alone hang out. These two were as opposite as night and day, for everyone feared Scorpio and loved Libra. However, when one day the walk from school results in a rainy thunderstorm, both Scorpio and Libra are left to spend the day together...

Third Person POV:
Both Libra and Scorpio woke up bright and early. Where Libra brushed her teeth and picked out the outfit she was going to wear today, Scorpio decided to brush his teeth and worked out instead. Libra loved the light of the day, the way the sun shined through her soft pink curtains, and the sunrise for its vibrant colors in the sky. Scorpio loved the twilight of the night more, the way the dark purples and blues created an ethereal arrangement in the night sky, and how he could see the stars shine in the dark. These two were as different as night and day.

Both their families knew of each other, but Libra's parents discouraged Libra from ever meeting Scorpio for they felt that he would corrupt her innocence. Scorpio had quite the reputation of being a bad boy, and many people feared him because of it. Libra, though, always felt curious as to why Scorpio made himself to be that way. She always felt that he was hiding something from the world, something he kept within and would not show anyone.

If Libra and Scorpio were to meet, it would be under extreme circumstances, or by chance. They've shared glances in the hallways but never fully conversed before. A meeting with these two would surely be interesting to anyone who was watching.

Libra POV:
I drove to school and parked in my designated area. As I was coming out of my car, I notice that Scorpio had just pulled up in his motorcycle. He took his helmet off and placed his bike near the racks, and talked to his friends.

I've always wondered what he sounded like. I bet he has that soft, raspy, deep voice that all the girls seem to like. From what I've heard, people generally fall in love with him the first time they meet him or get scared shitless.

I walk past Scorpio and make it to my English class. We have an assignment that's due in a month about a certain moment in time where we've felt the most real. I don't know what the prompt is asking for, but so far I haven't found it yet. I guess I don't know where to look.

The rest of the day passes by like a blur. I notice that the sky is turning gray by the time my last class comes around, and I can't help but curse at myself for not bringing an umbrella today.

And sure enough, it was raining outside. It wasn't your typical rain either. This one was raining cats and dogs. I guess I was going to be walking in the rain today. I didn't dare drive my car in this weather, since I know that I would hydroplane.

I'm currently standing outside under the roof of the front of the building. I notice Scorpio coming out of class and see him silently curse at himself.

"Hey, you're Scorpio right?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. Are you sure you should be talking to me though? I wouldn't want to corrupt your mind" he said jokingly.

I knew he was poking fun at my parents ridiculous rule of not seeing him, but Scorpio was right. There was no reason for them to make this rule because I'd be  seeing him at school anyways.

"I want to talk to you though. Do u want to walk in the rain with me?"

"Sure, why not. I need to get home soon."

We started walking and talking in the rain. I learned many things about him that I hadn't known before, like how he secretly likes baking and reading romantic novels. I never expected a tough guy like him to be into that sort of stuff. I was more of a cooking and horror type of girl, so I found this extra funny.

We turned up to my house, and I felt sad a little bit. I didn't want to stop talking to him.

"I guess this is where I leave... unless if you want me to stay, of course" Scorpio says with a wink.

"Haha very funny. My parents won't like me hanging out with you, but I want to. I want to ask if I could get your number" I said.

"Yea, here" he gives me his number and I save it. I walk home and quickly go to the shower to wash off the cold I felt in the rain.

I get dressed and am sitting on the bed when I get a notification on my phone. I look to see who it is that texted me, and find that it was Scorpio.

Scorpio: Hey r u awake?
Libra: Yea. R u?
Scorpio: Yup. Couldn't sleep, I've been thinking about today all night. I loved talking to you.
Libra: Aww ur so sweet. I loved talking to you, too.

Who knew the bad boy could be so sweet and kind?

Scorpio: If it's okay with u, I want us to hang out tomorrow after school. I know a cool pizza place.
Libra: Sure, I'll have time after school. I wonder where it'll be at.
Scorpio: That's a surprise. For now, I want us to continue talking like we did before.

I couldn't help but smile at my phone. Here I was, talking and making plans with Scorpio, someone I was supposed to avoid.

No matter which way you looked at it, I was breaking rules. Even if I might get scolded later, for now I was enjoying every minute of it.

Author's Note:
One of the cutest one shots I've ever written. I loved writing Libra's character, because she reminds me so much of myself. Giving Scorpio some qualities of sweetness really brought this whole idea together. As they always say, opposites attract.

And now, let's move to the next story!

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