Asexuality - misconceptions and stereotypes!

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In today's chapter, i will be tackling misconceptions and stereotypes about asexuality (and aromanticism at some points). This chapter was requested by an absolutely lovely reader, and i do hope i did the topic justice!


So i'm going to start off with something simple; what is the asexual spectrum, and what is the aromantic spectrum?

The asexual spectrum (abbreviation: ace-spec) refers to sexual orientations that are asexual or are closely related to asexuality, with the identities under the asexual umbrella being closely connected as part of a broad community. Some people on the asexual spectrum may completely lack sexual attraction, or feel it so little that they relate more to the asexual experience than to the allosexual experience. A common link between people on the asexual spectrum is that they do not feel what society deems the standard amount of sexual attraction, or they may not feel it in the standard way.

Asexuality is both a spectrum and an umbrella term. The term may be used to refer to anyone on the asexual spectrum, and some people might prefer to use it as such as in the end, it all depends on the individual.

Now onto aromantic: The aromantic spectrum (abbreviation: aro-spec) refers to romantic orientations that are aromantic or are closely related to aromanticism, with the identities under the aromantic umbrella being closely connected as part of a broad community. Basically take the previous descriptor and switch up the terminology, and there you go!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get started shall we?


This is, as the title hints at, simply just not true. Asexuality is a spectrum, and quite the big one at that. Not every asexual feels the same about that sort of topic, in fact there exist many who are actually more positive and enthustiastic about it than some would think! So let's get deeper into that, shall we? For this, i will be switching onto aromanticism to make it less awkward for me to talk about in detail, but as i have said before; switch up the terminology and voila, you can practically use the same sentences when talking about the asexual side!

Now there is also a misconception that all aromantics are anti-romance or romance repulsed. Just like with the other misconception, this is simply just not true. Yes, there does exist aromantic individuals who are romance repulsed and who might hate things to do with romance, but they are not the entire spectrum. An aromantic person is just like everybody else, they can like romance just like anyone else, just like how they can absolutely hate it. It all depends on the person. Being aromantic in of itself does NOT equal anti-romance.

The reality is, they might have nothing against romance. They can still enjoy and seek out a good love song, or a story with a romantic theme while not necessarily wanting it for themselves. Or maybe they do want it for themselves, again it depends on the individual! There exist aromantics who are neutral on romance, who are indifferent to romance, who are very positive towards romance, and finally people who are completely anti-romance! Everyone is different, and same goes for asexuals. They can be positive, neutral, indifferent, negative, you name it!

Being asexual or aromantic is not a reflection of a person's feelings towards what others do, or what they might enjoy doing themselves. You can be anti-intercourse without being asexual, just like you can be asexual without being anti-intercourse.

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