3. On

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It was a picturesque evening, and you were sauntering around the charming village with Kakashi and Guy. The convivial atmosphere was infectious, and the villagers were all aglow with smiles and laughter.

As you walked through the village, you couldn't help but notice the vibrant colours that surrounded you. The sky was painted in hues of pink and purple, creating a mesmerizing sunset. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, adding to the already enchanting atmosphere.

The sound of laughter and music filled the air, creating a symphony of joy that was impossible to ignore. Villagers of all ages were out and about, enjoying the evening in each other's company. Children played games and ran around, their gleeful giggles echoing through the streets.

The lively chatter of people filled the air, and you could hear snippets of conversations and the occasional burst of laughter. The stalls along the street were alive with activity, as vendors sold their wares with enthusiastic gusto. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making your mouth water.

As you continued walking, you noticed the intricate designs on the buildings and the way the lanterns hanging from the rooftops illuminated the streets. The ambience was nothing short of magical, and you couldn't help but feel grateful to be able to experience it.

Overall, the evening was nothing short of enchanting, and you felt lucky to be surrounded by such a lively and joyful atmosphere.

Guy was persistently cajoling Kakashi to participate in one of his famed challenges. "Come on Kakashi, let's play rock paper scissors. The loser shall do 2000 push-ups!" Guy implored.

"Not now, Guy. Maybe another time," Kakashi retorted, attempting to divert the topic.

But you, being an intrepid soul, exclaimed animatedly, "I'll play with you!"

"YES, Y/N! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE YOUTHFUL!" Guy exclaimed, delighted to have another contender.

As you were about to commence, an unfamiliar sense of disquietude seized you, and Kakashi seemed to sense it too. You exchanged a worried glance, and all of a sudden, an ear-splitting explosion shattered the placid night. A blinding radiance pierced through the darkness.

"Y/N!" Kakashi shouted, seizing your hand. "Stay by my side and do not let go, do you understand?" He held onto you firmly.

"Come on Kakashi, I am capable of defending myself!" you protested.

"There's no time for that. Just hold onto me, alright?" he insisted.

"Fine, someone has to keep you safe after all," you quipped.

He rolled his eyes but didn't argue. This was not the opportune moment for bickering.

The blast had created a hail of debris, and an immense orange mass materialized out of nowhere. "Guys, we do not have time for that. Just look at it!" Guy pointed to the colossal creature.

It was a vulpine creature with nine tails, and you instantaneously recognized it. "It's the Kyuubi!" someone in the crowd screamed.

Pandemonium broke out as the tailed beast began its ruthless attack, pummeling everything in its path with its potent tails, demolishing residences, and taking lives.

After a few moments of shock, Guy prepared to confront the creature, but a senior shinobi restrained him. A leaf ninja instructed you to rendezvous at the guard rooms, issuing a direct order to obey. Despite your desire to retaliate against the beast, you complied with the command.

You dashed through the crowd to the guard rooms, where the predicament had been exacerbated. The village was half-ruined, and your companions exhibited expressions of astonishment and confusion. A group of elderly shinobi engaged in dialogue with a cohort of young ninjas

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