First Day Back at School

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~about two and a half weeks later~
Scott Pov:
I woke up to my annoyingly loud alarm beeping, I was not ready to face the hundreds of kids at school day, it was my first day back in a little over five years..needless to say, I was terrified. After looking around in my closet for ten-ish minutes, I found my outfit for the day, my Beyoncé sweater with my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with my converse and a beanie. To be honest, I felt cute. I was relived to see myself without THAT makeup on for the first time in five years, I looked normal, I looked like me, not the monster that overtook me for five years.
I smiled to myself as my phone went off, it was Mitch sending me a "Good morning Scotty💕😻" as he's done this past week when I was home and he was in school, or getting ready. I spent a week and a half in the hospital then spent a week home recovering from everything. Mitch, Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie came to my house everyday with a HUGE amount of get well cards and crafts and hope to see you soon stuff. It made me smile, seeing so many people who probably forgot about me then suddenly remembered me when they found out that I was alive still cared about me like they did before I vanished, I was one of the more popular people in school before all that bad stuff happened at the diner which I shall not mention.

Mitchie💗:"Good morning Scottney😻💕"
Well, that was different.

Scott😍💓:"Morning Mitchie💗"
Mitchie💗:"You ready for today?"
Scott😍💓:"Not even close, I've almost puked I'm so nervous..."
Mitchie💗:"You don't need to worry that much, everyone is MORE than excited to see you, you've been the talk of the school all week😜"
Scott😍💓:"That doesn't surprise me, boy vanished for five years and everyone thought he was dead then he suddenly is alive and in the hospital, what isn't there to talk about?😔"
Mitchie💗:"it's nothing bad from what I've heard off..but...nvm you don't need to hear it."
Scott😍💓:"Spill Grassi. Now."
Mitchie💗:"Okay, Vanna and her little girl gang have been talking bad about you all week and have "plans" for you when you come back.."
Mitchie💗:"I'm sorry babe..💔"
Scott😍💓:"I'm terrified to step into that school now..."
Mitchie💗:"If anyone tries to hurt you, Avi will take care of them before the bell rings to let us out for the day."
Scott😍💓:"😂😂 of course he will😂😂"
Mitchie💗:"He's a grizzly bear but then when he's out of that "big bad boy" personality, he's a big teddy bear🐻❤️"
Scott😍💓:"knew that before you told me, way before😂 I can see it too well😂"
Mitchie💗:"okay I gotta go, I'll see you soon❤️🍪"
Scott😍💓:"COOKIESSSSSSSS😍 but byeeeee babes💗"
I laughed softly and made my way downstairs, finding my sister and my parents already at the table eating.

"We tried to wake you up earlier, but you out like a light." My mom chuckled. "You've not changed a bit."

"Whatever momma, I just wanna get out so I can see Mitch." I said as I rolled my eyes, sitting down.

"You have a thing for him, don't you?" Lauren asked, a smirk plastered to her face.

"N-No....!" I squeaked, my face heating up from the fire red blush coming from my face.

"You do! You're blushing really badly so you do!"Lauren squealed.
I groaned and slammed my head on the table, I did not need this; I was already nervous and shaky as is, I didn't need my sisters crap to add on the the tower of craziness. I finished quickly and sat my plate in the sink, hugging my parents goodbye then running to the bus stop to meet Mitch and everyone else.
My smile grew as I saw the small brunette waiting on me, dancing a little to some song he was listening to on his phone, probably Beyoncé. I snuck behind him and slowly wrapped my arms around his small waist, making him jump then laugh.

"Hi, Scotty." He smiled.

"Hi, Mitchie Mitchie." I beamed, hiding my head into his "baby thin" hair.
He giggled and turned around to wrap his arms around me, burying his head into my chest, making the odd but very comforting warmth spread through me.

"Scott!!!!" A group of kids shouted, making me cringe; my ears were still sensitive to loudness.

"H-Hey.." I said softly, smiling weakly.

"We've missed you!" They said in a softer voice, I guess they saw me cringe a their earlier loudness.
I smiled again and put in one of my earbuds, humming softly along with whatever singer I was listening to. Later on Kirstie, Avi, Kevin made it to he bus stop and all hugged me tightly, smiles stuck on their faces. It made me feel bubbly inside, like all the happiness around us had gone inside of me.
More hugs and everything continued as I got on the bus and made it to school, it was awkward, but none the less sweet. None of them had to go out of their way to make me feel welcomed, it was enough just to see them smile and acknowledge that I'm here. But I did get a few odd looks from a decently large group of boys and girls, who later I found out was Vanna's little group, who no one really liked. I smiled slightly at them and went on with my day though they keep shouting things at me, which made me ears ring and ache. Most kids knew that my ears couldn't take loud noises and avoided from talking or being loud around me, which I was grateful for, I didn't need another migraine..
To my surprise, I had most of my classes with Mitch then if I did not, I had either Kirstie, Kevin, or Avi with me; it was comforting since I had trouble remembering people. But none of them minded from what they showed, I guessed that they understood that I was a little shaky with many peoples names who weren't in my close circle of friends and family.

"Omg, Scott!! It's so good to have you back!" A darker skinned man said happily and hugged me, I found out later his name was Todrick and that we were pretty close before THAT happened. I wish I could've remembered his name, but he said that it was fine. I didn't feel the same about it though.
Most of my day was boring until I went to choir, which was much more than entertaining. As soon as I walked in the doors of the humongous room I heard all sorts of voices, with all kinds of ranges singing. It soothed my fried nerves; singing had always been my escape from stress, even when I was trapped in Freddy Fazbear's, it had always calmed and soothed me to sing, it was basically my portal to a less chaotic world.

"Mr. Hoying, can you come and sing for me? Just to tell me what part to put you in." The choir director smiled.
I took a deep breath and stood in front of her piano and sang until she smiled again and told me to go sit with the baritones, but I wanted to go sit by Mitch, who was in the tenor section, farther away from me. Kirstie was sitting inbetween the sopranos and the altos, since she could sing both parts. But she had told me she was a soprano 2, who could sing high and low, I found it amazing.
I walked out of the choir room and the school with a huge smile plastered to my face, I felt like nothing could ruin my mood. But oh man, I was far from right. As I turned to take the last hallway to go to my locker, I was blocked in by a bunch of guys who were twice my size and looked like they could crush me in one move; I was terrified. I guess this was the "plan" they had awaiting me..and I was all alone..

"Hey, Scotty boy.." One big guy with dark hair said, stepping toward me. I tried to back away from him but ran backwards into another buff guys chest.

"You're not going anywhere, shrimpy." He smirked, picking me up by the collar of my Beyoncé sweater. I was trembling by now.
The guys surrounded me and threw punches and kicks until I was on the ground curled up into a ball, bleeding from various places. I could see black forming around the edges of my vision, "You don't need to black out now.." The voice in my head told me, but it was no use, I was almost completely lost in the blackness; I was hurting everywhere I could think of, and I hurt in places I didn't know could be in pain. I was about to black out completely when I heard a higher pitched voice say in a panicked tone,

"He's over here! Oh my god..he's hurt bad..."
I groaned softly and tried to open my heavy feeling eyes to see who was coming toward me, but I never saw, and faded into the black abyss as a small hand grabbed mine.

{Well....that's not a good first day for Scott 😅 sorry about the wait, school has had me tied down😒}

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