"Please Don't Leave Me."

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Mitch Pov:

"P-Please..don't leave Mitch..." Scott whimpered as I put on my hoodie.

"I'm sorry Scott..but I have to..my parents would worry about me if I didn't come home.." I mumbled.
He sighed and hugged me tightly one last time for the night. I didn't know how he would fair until I came back tomorrow after school, I hope he didn't hurt himself..I can't have him hurt..I-I love him too much..I just got him back..

"I'll come back tomorrow Scott, we can have more fun when I get back okay? Just keep yourself safe tonight? I'm worried that thing is going to come back to life and kill you..." I said, my voice dropping after every word.

"O-Okay....just go....I'm used to being alone..." He mumbled, his head hanging low.
I started to walk along with Kirstie and Avi but looked back at Scott one last time. Tears came to my eyes and I bolted over to him and bear hugged him one last time, wanting to remember his scent, the way his back muscles tightened when I hugged him like this, the way his small laugh came out when I hugged him suddenly, I just wanted to remember HIM. The old Scott, MY Scott.

"Mitch, come on, your parents will worry about you if you don't get home soon." Mrs. Hoying yelled softly, not wanting to hurt Scott's sensitive ears again. I wonder if I broke the curse would his ears still be sensitive like this.. Would they? Would some of the old things of his life still linger forever? Who knows, all I need to worry about is getting this curse broke.

"Okay....I'll be back tomorrow Scotty....I love you..." I mumbled, hugging him again for memory.
He sighed and buried his head into my hair, I guess trying to get something to grasp onto to remember me. Wait! I had a necklace that I could give him so he wouldn't forget me!

"Scott...I want you to keep this...for memory.." I said as I took the Beyoncé necklace off that I got a few years ago off of my neck.
He gasped and took it from my hand, twirling it around as if a memory was coming to him.

"Beyoncé...Beyoncé... *gasp* Queen Bey! I used to love her! Mitch...you love her like I did..or do...hell I don't remember! Why would you give me this...? It must mean a lot to you.." He whispered, the air from his words hitting me like a waterfall, he's remembering! He remembers Beyoncé! His favorite singer! This might be going faster than I thought... Yay!!

-a while later-
I jumped out of the car and ran to my house, yelling a goodbye at my friends and the Hoying's over my shoulder. I was beyond happy, hell! I just found my best friend after five years! I couldn't wait to tell mom and dad. Wait...would they believe me? Well...they might. It's worth a shot.

"Mom! Dad! You won't believe who I saw today!" I yelled, knowing my parents weren't in range for me to speak softer.

"What did you see sweetheart?" My father asked, my mom coming in after him.

"Um....well...do you remember how Scott went missing five years ago? Today actually...wow..time flies.." I said, chuckling at my last few words.

"Yes we do Mitchie. Wait...you don't mean....h-he's not dead...? H-He's alive...? In the pizzeria....?" My mom muttered, her eyes growing wide.

"Y-Yeah...I saw him mom! The real Scott! MY Scott!" I yelled, tears coming to my eyes. I was overexcited.

"Oh my god...I thought the boy was dead.....how can we get him home????" My dad asked, sitting on the edge of his chair.

"One of his close friends or family members has to help him fully remember his past and what happened the night he went missing...but dad...h-he barely remembered m-me..." I whispered, starting to cry.

"Oh...well how much did he remember while you were there today?" He asked again.

"Quite a bit for someone who barely remembers anything of his past life." I muttered, wanting to be with Scott.

"Hmm...then it shouldn't take the boy too long to remember everything.."my dad muttered, already deep in thought.

"Dad, how much do you know about this?" I asked. He seemed to know more than I did.

"Follow me son." Was all he said before going to the back of the house. I ran after him, my heart pounding in my chest. Was the way Scott would remember his past locked somewhere in my own house? Did my dad have the answer all these years but didn't tell us? Well..he didn't know Scott was alive until now.. So I couldn't say that he kept it and never told.

"Now I had a theory that those old animatronics had something up their sleeve the night Scott went missing, I knew that they were being too personal. And I knew when they asked Scott to come backstage that something wasn't okay, but I had no time to stop him before he went in...I felt so bad... So I've been working on something these past few years incase Scott was still alive, and in this case he is. Now, Mitch, all you have to do is get him to drink this and the process of his memory coming back will speed up." My dad babbled, showing me a vile filled with bright pink liquid.

"So this stuff can help Scott remember easier?" I asked, twirling the bottle inbetween my fingers.

"Yes son, it can, and it will." He said.
I huffed in response and continued examining the bottle, how was I going to convince Scott to drink this? He's already jumpy enough..and trying to get him to drink something that he doesn't he even know what it does to him, it will be hell.

"Dad, Scott's really jumpy, how am I supposed to get him to drink this?" I asked, lifting the bottle up closer to my face.

"It takes a sharp mind, my boy. You'll know how to convince him when the time is right." He chuckled, ruffling my shaggy hair.

Scott Pov:
I wondered around the dark and quiet pizzeria, wishing I could be with Mitch. Glancing down at the necklace that Mitch gave me, I felt an odd warmth go through my body. I had never had this feeling before, I liked it.

"What's that Scott?" Chicka asked me, sitting down in front of me.

"I-It's from Mitch..." I mumbled, smiling.

"Awwww! You love him don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah..." I muttered, blushing.
Chicka gasped and covered her beak up with her hands or wings or whatever you call them.

"What? Is something wrong with me..?" I asked, scooting away from her.

"Y-Your makeup...it's lighter...you're remembering...the curse...it's breaking..." She whispered happily.

"R-Really..?" I asked in disbelief.
She nodded her head and hugged me tightly, sending warmth throughout my body, but nothing like what the necklace gave me. I didn't know what that warmth was but I wanted it to stay all the time..it made me feel wanted for once..I don't know why but I've never really been happy the past five years...until today...

"Chicka...I think this necklace is messing with my curse...it makes this odd warm feeling go through me...I don't know what it means..." I whispered, clutching the necklace to my chest, wanting its warmth.

"It's part of your curse, It means you're falling in love with the person who gave it to you. Scott, you're falling in love with Mitch.." Chicka droned.
I was falling in love with Mitch...I'm falling in love with Mitch...but wait....was he gay? Or bi? I didn't know....great......

How do I to brake a curse with only love?
{Sorry for the crappy chapter😔}

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