New Things

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Scott Pov:
The rest of the night was horribly long, it was just like every other night, the others trying to kill the night guard while I roamed around singing softly, or when something odd struck in my mind I tried to keep the door open so the others could kill the night guard, Mike. He's been here for the past five years, since the day I disappeared, wait......HE WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED THE CHILDREN THAT NIGHT!!!!!!
I shook violently as the screams from five children who were being murdered rang through the pizzeria.

"PLEASE HELP ME! STOP! AHHHHHHHH!" They screamed. I heard the man's evil laugh and I heard the awful sound of metal on flesh.
I slowly walked around the corner and there stood a man, about six foot tall with a bloodied knife in his hand, he looked terrified that I was there, looking at him with five near-death children laying around his feet. Their soft cries and moans made me want to sob, these kids didn't do anything to deserve this..

"Get out of here..." I growled softly, my fists hanging at my side, clenched.

"Haha, what's a little boy like you going to do about it, hmmm?" He giggled, waving the knife a little too close to my face.
I grabbed the knife from his hand and tackled him over, putting the bloody knife close to his neck, growling;

"Get out of here or I'll do what you did to these innocent kids to you..."
He struggled under me, his eyes wide with fear. I took the knife away from his neck and twirled it around in my fingers, smiling evilly.

"Oh, won't it be sad if you ended up near death like these poor, innocent children..." I purred, slowly rising off of him.
He ran out of the building and never came back for a few days. I slowly knelt down near the kids and calmed them down, I was determined to let these kids live...they didn't need to die so young...

"Bonnie! Chicka! Freddy! Everyone! Please help me...." I screamed, crying softly. They all ran into the room and gasped at the sight.
We all tried to fix them but all of them died sadly. I kneeled in front of them, crying. Why did these children loose their lives? Why did that mam do this?

"I will avenge you, sweet ones..." I whispered above the dead bodies. Bonnie put a paw on my small shoulder, trying to comfort me. He told me that they were in a better place where they weren't suffering or hurting anymore. I tried to listen to him but it was hard, these kids had a wonderful life ahead of them, but a cruel man ended it so soon...
I slowly picked up each tiny body and gently put them inside some of the old suits that were lying around in the parts room. I thought that putting them in the suits would give them a second chance at life. The others looked at me odd but didn't question why I was doing it, they knew I was hurting and just wanted the children to continue living, no matter if it meant letting them haunt the old suits. The eyes started to glow softly and and suits began to move a little, I smiled softly. Now they had another chance at living out their lives...
I gasped and ran to the room where Mike sat, looking at the tiny computer and watching the windows and doors to see if any of us were trying to get in the room and kill him. Just as I was about to slip in the door he screamed and shut the door in my face, I screamed and pounded on the door, I wanted to kill him to avenge the children he killed four years ago....I must...I will....
He slowly opened the door then shut it again when he saw me, but he had a odd look when he looked at me from the window in his office.

"It's you...." He muttered, backing away from the window.

"YOU KILLED THOSE CHILDREN. NOW YOU MUST PAY." I yelled, banging on the window.
He shook his head and stayed far from the door where I was at. I groaned and decided to go see if I could get in another way, through the vents or through the other door. I first tried the other door, which failed like the other side, so my last resort was to go through the vents with Mangle and see if I could get him that way.

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