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When we entered the corridor, I couldn't help my laughing.

"Isn't that you two guys?? Jisung you looks like a nerdy that's cute...and Minho?? You had glasses??"

"Yaaaa! Stop looking at this" Minho grabbed my arm and walked without leting me the time to see more pictures, wich made me laugh. Jisung just nodded.

That was at that time that I understood. I loved Jisung since a long time, but...did I never had a real conversation with him. The only things we said to each other were 'How many point did you get?' 'Do you have a pen' or 'Excuse me it's my seat'. I thought Jisung was my ideal type, a extroverted talkative and funny man, but aslo sexy, cute and masculin at the same time. But in fact, he isn't all of that.

I wanted him to be like I want. But life doesn't work like that. But now, the situation is worst. Minho is like....my ideal type. What....what should I do??

Then I released I was just frozing the whole time I thought and the 3 boys were looking at me weirdly.


We continued to walk to Minho's room.

His room was cool and he had a king size bed! I would love love to sleep inside. Nooooo, Y/n, you must be loyal to Jisung!

"Where do we sat?"

"Do it bother you if we sat in the floor ?"

"No it's okay"

Us four sat on the floor.

"That will be easy because we're all good at English?" I said, knowing that Seungmin, Jisung and me were alsmost fluent in English.

"Minho is bad at English" said Jisung.

A/N: No hate to Minho! He improved so much more and more that he is in fact not that bad and he can talks well if he wants to. That's just for the story.

"Oh okay" I said "don't worry we will help you" I smiled at him.

Seungmin hitted my arm, showing me he was suprised that I was caring for someone else than Minji, Dahyun unnie, him or HaN jIsUnG.

We started the project. That was easy for me since I'm fluent but at one time, even Jisung and Seungmin were not comfortable with some words and sentences.

"Guys, we are already did a lot, how about taking some rest?"

"You're right Y/n"

"How about going downstairs? To eat something?"


We went upstairs and sat on the sofa.

"Oh Minho!" Jisung started talking "Y/n did brownies! Isn't that your favourite cake?"

His eyes were shining when he heard 'brownies'. He looked at me and asked for permission. I nodded.

He took the brownies plate and started eating. "Mmmh that's delicious" "Thanks". I took a brownie too.

Because Minho and me were eating brownies and Minnie and Jisung were not, they went on the other side of the sofa, talking the two of them. Pfffff, it's the second time you betray me Seungmin.

After like...5 minutes? Seungmin and Jisung get up et get closer to the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked them.

"I'll show my music studio to Seungmin since he likes music" said hAn JiSuNg.

The third time Seungmin, the third time.

I was a bit sad because Seungmin was going out with MY crush and I was not.

He maked a sorry but teasing face and thy exited the house.

"It seems that your and I's best friends want time together"


"Are you mad Y/n?"

"I'm not."

"Let's do something"

"Mmm okay."

He put on his TV and opened Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don't know. You?"

"I don't know too. How about 'Netflix Random Choice'? We will have a random serie or movie"

"It suits me"

He did and it launched a serie that me and him didn't know.

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now