열 (Epilogue)

457 13 1

"You'll soon be my dinner, he said" I exclamed to my children.

The three of them laughed loudly.

"But you guys were like 16-17 at that time?" Taemin asked.

"Yes..." that made them laugh more.

"Why does dad left today? What does he have to do?" Sami asked.

"I don't know...He didn't let me know"

"Maybe he is cheating on you" Hana joked.

"Stop it. Now, let's go to the mall"


"We have to buy food. The fridge is empty"

We left the house and arrived at the mall. I bought all the food I wanted to and we exited the supermarket of the mall. I was about to leave but the three kids were not okay with it.

"Please mom! I want to buy the new Assassin's Creed"

"And I want to eat Bubble Tea!"

"And I have to-"

Taemin was cutted off by a loud sound. We were satting on the ground in an empty part of the mall. No many people were there so we were surprised.

I got up to see where was the sound from.

I found a woman, around 70 years old, on the floor.

I ran to her to help her get up while the kids were ramassing her things.

"Thank you" she said before raising her head. I was surprise at the familiar face in front of me.

"Mrs. Kim?"

"Y/n?" Seungmin's mom didn't look that much surprised, more like a 'Oups' face.

"Oh, I have to go...by Y/n!" she shouted while... running?

I let her go. If she doesn't want to see me that's okay.

I feel a bit guilty. When I started dating Minho, everything was so fast. We finished college and we started living together and working. We had our kids and got married. Now, I am only 35 years old but I already have 3 kids and a husband.

Because of that, I didn't have a lot of time to talk to Seungmin, Mrs.Kim and Dahyun like before and I feel like I abandonned them. But I never knew if they feel the same because they moved and I lost their numbers. So sad.

In all case, I am happy to see that Mrs. Kim looks happy and healthy.

"Let's go home!" I said.


"No buts, no Assassin's Creeds and no Bubble Teas. We. Are. Going. Home."

And we left the mall.

We came back to home and the kids asked me a thousand of questions about Mrs. Kim, because they "saw in my eyes that I know her".

"It's late...I'm worried for Minho" I changed the topic, looking at the time.

"I'm going to call him" I said, worried.

But before I could call him, the bell rang and Taemin ran to the door while the others dragged me in Minho and I's room.

"What are you doing??"

"Don't worry mom. It's a surprise" Sami said while putting a eye mask on me with his sister.

After 10 minutes, we finally exited the room. They helped me to walk because I wasn't able to see.

Sami and Hana went away and someone back hugged me. I was surprised at first but I recognized who was hugging me. I can recognize his hugs between thousands.

He put his head on my shoulder and whispered "Happy birthday love"

He took off my mask to reveal our living room decorated with birthday's decorations. Some gifts were on the table.

But that's when I looked on the right of the room that I smiled brightly.

They were here: Sami, Hana, Taemin, Mrs. and Mr. Lee, Mrs. Kim, Dahyun unnie, Seungmin, Han Jisung and Minho.

I was shy because it's been so long since I last met them. But I ran to them and first hugged Seungmin. I missed him so much.

"So how is your birthday Y/n?" he told me.

"I forgot that was my birthday today..."

"What??" he was surprised.

Minho approached us and told Seungmin "She is overworking herself. She doesn't even always have a day off on a week".

Seungmin looked at me worried.

"Don't worry boys, now let's enjoy the day!"

We ate a lot and I opened a lot of gifts. This day was amazing. I also asked for Dahyun unnie, Jisung and Seungmin's numbers to contact them more often.

They all left at 9 and the Minho's parents took the kids for a sleepover. They left me alone with the potato.

"What do you want to do now Minho?"

He smirked at me and grabbed my hand "Let's go to the room. You'll soon be my dinner" and with that, he smirked.

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now