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"Aaaaah, finally done!"

Minho didn't want to sleep in Seungmin's bed so we put a matress in my room.

"Good night Minho"

"Y/n? Can I ask you a question?"

I turned my head to face him and nodded.

"Do you like someone?"

"I-I do. And you?"

"I do"

My heart was broken. It was already broken because of hAn JiSuNg earlier but now it was more.

"O-Okay. Good night"

"Good night cutie"

I blushed at the nickname but turned my head fast so he couldn't see my red cheeks. Damn, his crush is really lucky.

I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

I was sleeping when someone moved in my bed next to me. I was still half asleep.

"Seungmin, go back to your bed. I want to sleep"

Seungmin and me sometimes go to each other beds when we do nightmares. But now, that was a bit awkward because Minho was in my room-wait-Seungmin isn't at home!

I turned my head to face the boy who was already eyes closed, hugging myself tight.

I tried to wake him up.

"Minho?" he didn't respond.


"What?" he didn't open his eyes but talked.

"What are you doing?"

"Just hugging my babe"


"Stop shouting love. I want to sleep" he hugged me tigher while I was processing what just happened.

"Are you crazy?"

"I am not sweetie" he put a little peck on my lips wich make me frozing.


I wanted to ask him why he did that but he was already sleeping. I wanted to escape his very tight hug because I was too shy bit he was too strong.

I ended up sleeping in his strong arms.

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now