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His mother entered the room without looking at us. She had a big plate of cookies in her hands and put it on Minho's table.

She sundely raised her head to ook at us. She waq surprised when she saw us cuddling.

"You finally maked it" she jumped "good son" she had.

I was dumbfounded, not understanding why she was jumping jumping of joy and Minho blusing.

She sat on next to me on the bed and grabbed my hand.

"You know girl, Minho has been talking about you for years now. I remember the first day he said your name "Today my schoolmate Y/n wore a red ribbon. She was so cute, I liked it" he said. And after that day, your name never left his mouth"

I smiled at her "When was the first time he said my name?"

"Maybe...when you came to Korea? You two were in the same school and it was...1st year of primary school?"

"I didn't even know we were at the same primary school! I only noticed him in middle school"

She laughed and smiled brightly at me. She slowly put a little paper on my hand, discretly not to let Minho see it.

"Then try to notice him now" and she left the room.

Minho was still a blushing mess.

I approached him and grabbed his cheeks.

"So you were only looking at me right?" I teased him.

"Mmm" he responded.

I get out of the bed and looked at the paper. I smiled.

"Why are you smirking like that?" he asked.

I didn't respond and went straight to his desk to open the last tirror (?).

He looked at me surprised, but before he understood, I already had the books in my hands.

I ran to his closet and closed from the inside. He complained.

"Now I'm going to read everything" "thanks to your mom" I whispered the last part not to put her mom between us.

I opened the diary and started reading.

A/N: Just believe Minho is born in 2000
Thanks <3

"September 4 2006
Today, a foreigner girl came at school. She looks so pretty I don't know where she is from. Her name is Y/n, what a pretty name"

"September 13 2006
Today she wore a red ribbon. I never saw a girl pretty like that in all my life. Even the girls on the TV don't look so pretty."

"July 27 2007
Y/n and Seungmin look so close now and I heard boys saying he might love her. Oh noooo"

"February 14 2009
Girls are so annoying. I had a thousand of chocolate and the other boys only had one. I wanted Y/n to offer me something but she gave her chocolates to a boy called Changbin"

"September 15 2016
Y/n offered a gift to Jisung for his birthday. She never offered something to me so I am sad"

I rode every single thing he wrote. That was so funny.

I was so busy reading that I didn't hear the closest's door opening until Minho's face was in front of me.

"How-how did you do?"

"There is a little hole under the closet and the key fell so I just grabbed it"

He locked the closet from the inside again and put the key in the hole.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Now we will enjoy more and finish what we started later...or more"

He approached his face to mine and gently pressed his lips against mine.

His hand came around my waist while the second was on my thigh.

I blushed and caressed his hair, feeling the atmosphere getting warmer as we were rapproaching. He came so close that I arrived on the closest's wall, not able to move now.

He smirked as he noticed it.

"Babe~" he said, wanting to look sexy, wich made me laugh because of how bad he was.

"Oh I see. That's what you want" he smirked and blorrow his face on my neck, placing little kiss wich became harder, making me moan several times.

"I love your moanings" he said as he put his hand which was on my thigh closer.

"Let's have fu-" his teasing face was cutted off by the door opening and a woman speaking.

"Kids! It's time to eat dinner!"

He looked at me blusing, but still with his teasing and sexy face.

"You'll soon be my dinner" he whispered in my ear before we called his mom to open the closet.

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now