chapter three ♡

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   It's been almost a week. It's been four days and Lu Yue still hasn't woken from the coma. God Ming and Yang Lian came to check on Luo Mei.
God Ming- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- He still hasn't woke. I can't take this!
Yang Lian- Luo Mei, how about we go out and meet up with the girls.
Luo Mei- But...
Yang Lian- Come on. Let's go.
   She pulls her out and they walk outside to a car. They go back to the base so Luo Mei can change into somethig.
this is the outfit Luo Mei picked out to wear:

-   Then they soon arrive to a place and Xue Lina and Niu Chen are already there

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   Then they soon arrive to a place and Xue Lina and Niu Chen are already there.
Luo Mei- Lian, you planned this.
Yang Lian- Of course I did.
Xue Lina- Yang Lian told us.
Luo Mei- About Lu Yue...
Niu Chen- And you've been by his side this whole time.
Luo Mei- He's my best friend. Of course. And his mother told me to stay by his side. I promised her I would.
   An hour later at the hospital, Lu Yue starts to wake. God Ming is there watching over him. He steps for a bit.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
The cat starts to purr and Lu Yue sees it.
Lu Yue- Aw. (he pets the cat on the head) Hey, boy. Where you here just the whole time? Did... (he sits up & feels the pain in his side) Ah.
The cat meows.
Lu Yue- (he pets the cat more) Aww, I'm okay.
The cat starts to purr again and God Ming walks in.
God Ming- Lu Yue. You woke.
Lu Yue- Why isn't Luo Mei here??
God Ming- Don't worry. Yang Lian just took her out to meet up with Xue Lina and Niu Chen. She was by your side the whole time. I'll call her and tell her you woke.
Lu Yue- Please.
   God Ming dials Luo Mei's number but they hear the ring coming from in the room.
Lu Yue- She left her phone.
God Ming- I'll call Yang Lian then.
Lu Yue- Okay.
God Ming calls Yang Lian's number this time and she answers.
Yang Lian- Hello.
God Ming- Hello. I need to talk to Luo Mei about something.
Yang Lian- Okay. I'll put her on.
Luo Mei- Hello. Brother Ming, is there something wrong?
God Ming- The opposite. Lu Yue. He's awake now.
Luo Mei- No. Really??
God Ming- Yes. He really is.
Luo Mei hangs up on him.
God Ming- Hello? Hello?
Lu Yue- What happened?
God Ming- She hung up on me.
Lu Yue- She wants to come see for herself.
   A little while later Luo Mei comes walking in. She sees Lu Yue and goes straight to him.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
   She goes straight to kiss him on the lips with tears falling down her eyes. Xue Lina and Niu Chen see this and they're in shock.
Xue Lina- What?
Niu Chen- What's going on?
Xue Lina- Oh my gosh. When did this happen?!
Luo Mei backs away from Lu Yue's lips.
Lu Yue- (he touches his lip) You bit me. Why'd you do that?
Luo Mei- Because.... You... You... Almost left me.
Lu Yue- I'm here.
Luo Mei- Don't do that again.
She goes straight to kiss him on the lips more.
Xue Lina- Luo Mei?? When did you two...??
Luo Mei- (she stops kissing Lu Yue & turns to look at them) Since we started high school.
Niu Chen- What??
Luo Mei- (she feels Lu Yue hold onto her, puts his head on her, & she holds onto him) It's true.
She tells them everything.
Xue Lina- Why didn't you tell us?
Yang Lian- They didn't tell me at first either.
Luo Mei- I didn't think anyone would approve.
Xue Lina- We do, we do.
Niu Chen- Yeah. I'm sorry you had to let Lu Yue go because of your father.
Xue Lina- You think we would tell him? We knew you had a crush on Lu Yue growing up.
Luo Mei- Would you tell my father?
They say at the same time.
Niu Chen- No.
Xue Lina- No.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue is everything to me. I can't...
Lu Yue- (he whispers in her ear) How about we have everyone leave? We can be alone and you can hold me.
Luo Mei gives God Ming a look and he knows what it means.
God Ming- Babe, I think it's time for us to leave them.
Yang Lian- Okay.
Luo Mei- I love you all.
They tell her they love her and they all leave.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
She turns and goes straight into his arms in tears.
Lu Yue- Baby, don't cry. I don't want you to cry.
Luo Mei- I almost lost you. It really scared me.
Lu Yue- I know. But I'm here. I haven't left you.
Luo Mei- You can't, you can't.
Lu Yue- I know. I'm sure there's a lot you want to tell me.
Luo Mei- Yes.
She tells him everything that happened while he was asleep.
Lu Yue- What? We are presses changes this time. Even for that.
Luo Mei- I had my brother look into it.
Lu Yue- Good.
Luo Mei- I got my brother back.
Lu Yue- You're adorable when you're happy.
Luo Mei- How do you know? You can't see my face, I'm still holding on to you.
Lu Yue- I know.
Someone knocks at the door.
Luo Mei- You can come in.
Her brother walks in.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- Huh?
Lu Yue- It's Shen.
   She pulls away from him and goes into her brother's arms. He hugs her back.
Luo Shen- I came to see if Lu Yue woke. It's good that he did.
Luo Mei- (she pulls away from him & goes back to Lu Yue) I told Yue Yue everything.
Lu Yue- Thank you, Shen.
Luo Shen- No, she's my sister, I'd do anything for her.
Someone walks in the room. Luo Mei sees who it is.
Luo Mei- Sister! Liena??
She goes to hug her.
Luo Mei- My sister.
Then she pulls away and goes back to Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- (he goes to whisper in her ear) If you missed me, why don't you have them leave?
Luo Shen- Lu SiCheng told me how you been with my sister. I'm watching you.
Lu Yue- Hey. Don't be like my brother.
Luo Shen- I'm joking. When are you going to ask my sister, Yue?
Lu Yue- What? Late April. This month.
Luo Shen- I'll want to talk to you about that matter.
Luo Mei- Brother. Sister. You both can leave now.
Luo Shen- Okay. We're leaving then.
Luo Mei- I love you both.
Luo Shen- We love you.
They leave the room.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- (she turns & looks at him) I missed your voice so much.
Lu Yue- Please, don't cry again.
Luo Mei- My brother told me I've always been your princess.
Lu Yue- Well, it's true. He's right.
Luo Mei- I knew you would say that.
Lu Yue- Now you're smiling.
Luo Mei- I want to hold you.
   She goes straight to wrap her arms around him and sets her head on his chest. He holds her back.
Luo Mei- You didn't miss me? It's been a while since you've seen me.
Lu Yue- I did.
Luo Mei- (she looks up at him) I missed you more.
Lu Yue- You won't let go of me.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue?!
Lu Yue- Yes.
Luo Mei- You've woken and your still the same Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- You don't like that?
Luo Mei- I wasn't saying that. I love it.
Lu Yue- I love you.
Luo Mei- I love you more.
Lu Yue- You can't.
Luo Mei- I can and I will. Why are you being irresistible??
Lu Yue- Who said I was?
Luo Mei- You are. Good thing your mine.
Lu Yue- You never finished doing that.
Luo Mei- Doing what?
Lu Yue- Making me yours.
Luo Mei- Ughh, you...
   She let's go of him, gets up, pulls the covers off him, goes on top of him, and pulls the covers over them.
Lu Yue- What are you doing?
Luo Mei- You brought this on.
Lu Yue- Did I? Princess.
   She goes straight to kiss him on the lips. Soon while they're making out someone comes in.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei... Ming, they're a bit occupied.
Luo Mei- (she pulls away from Lu Yue's lips) What do you guys want?
   Lu Yue goes straight to kiss her on the lips and she doesn't pull him away, she kisses him back.
Yang Lian- Come back and get some rest. And you need to eat something.
Lu Yue- (he pulls away) Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- Why did you stop kissing me??!
Lu Yue- You didn't tell me that.
Luo Mei- It didn't come up.
Lu Yue- Get up.
She sits up and holds the covers over her. He goes to sit up.
Lu Yue- Go with Yang Lian.
Luo Mei- No. No. I want to stay with you. With my Yue Yue. Handsome.
Lu Yue- I want you to eat something.
Yang Lian- She hasn't eaten since the day you went into the coma.
Luo Mei- Yang Lian?!
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, I won't be going anywhere. Go on with Yang Lian.
Luo Mei- No. No.
Yang Lian comes to pull Luo Mei off Lu Yue.
Luo Mei- Hey!
Yang Lian- You should listen to Lu Yue. You need to eat something.
Luo Mei- But I don't want to eat. I want Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- (she goes to hold his cheek) But you need me.
Lu Yue- I do. But you need to eat something.
Luo Mei- Can I have you?
Lu Yue- Luo Mei?!
Luo Mei- Okay.
Lu Yue- Could you two give us a minute first?
Yang Lian and God Ming step out.
Luo Mei- What's wrong?
Lu Yue- Nothing. That's the outfit you changed into when you were already wearing an outfit I picked out for you.
Luo Mei- Handsome remembered.
Lu Yue- Of course. I did. You look beautiful.
Sits down on the bed and she's close in his face.
Luo Mei- Lu Yue, I don't want to leave you.
Lu Yue- You won't be. You'll be coming back. No ones taking you way from me. Is my Mei Mei with me?
Luo Mei- I don't want to leave your side.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei, I'll be okay without you for a little while.
Luo Mei- It's too long.
Lu Yue- Don't talk in that voice.
Luo Mei- Why not? I'll go but I'll really miss you.
Lu Yue- I want you.
Luo Mei- Ooooooooh.
Lu Yue- No. Not now. (he kind of talks to himself)
Luo Mei- I made handsome want me.
Yang Lian- (she's there now) You can do that when you come back. Your minutes up. Let's go.
Luo Mei- But...
Yang Lian- Luo Mei, let's go.
Luo Mei- Okay. Lu Yue.
Lu Yue- Yes, baby.
Luo Mei- I love you.
Lu Yue- I love you more.
Yang Lian walks Luo Mei out. They walk out the hospital and to a car. They get in the car.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei?
Luo Mei- I honestly want to be with Lu Yue right now.
Yang Lian- I know. But he'll be okay.
Luo Mei- But! He needs me.
Yang Lian- Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- I know, I know.
They go off and get something to eat. After Yang Lian drops Luo Mei off at the hospital. She walks in.
She sees Li Niu walking towards her. She walks passsed her and Luo Mei hears her stop because she's wearing heels. That makes Luo Mei stop.
Li Niu- This happened because of you. You need to leave Lu Yue now and put him out of his misery. Let him go and this will stop.
Luo Mei- What makes you think I will?
Li Niu- You know who Lu Yue really belongs to. You can never be with Lu Yue, why make his life miserable?
Luo Mei- I... It's non of your business.
Li Niu- You know it would be better. Bye.
   She walks off and Luo Mei goes to Lu Yue's room. She walks in and sees him sleeping. She goes to sit on the bed and waits for him to wake.
Lu Yue- (he wakes & sees that Luo Mei looks upset) Baby, what's wrong?
Luo Mei- (she lifts her head & looks at him) I don't make your life miserable, do I?
Lu Yue- What? No. Of course not. What happened? Why are you saying all this nonsense?
Luo Mei- I ran into Li Niu on the way in here.
Lu Yue- What? Don't listen to what ever nonsense she told you. You DO NOT make my life miserable.
Luo Mei- Really?
Lu Yue- Yes. Come here and tell me everything she told you.
   She stands up and pulls the covers off him. She goes to sit on his lap; facing him with her thighs on either side of him.
Luo Mei- As I'm walking in I see her walking towards me. She passes me and then I hear her stop because of her stupid heels. Gosh, I can't stand wearing heels. Yeah. She said to me,"This happened because of you. You need to leave Lu Yue now and put him out of his misery. Let him go and this will stop."
Lu Yue- (he holds onto her) Baby, none of it is your fault. It's Hao Ling's. He's the one who choose to be this way towards me.
She tells him the rest of everything.
Lu Yue- Baby. Don't you dare take what she said to heart and don't you dare leave me.
Luo Mei- I can't, I can't.
Lu Yue- I belong to you. Do I have to tattoo on me property of Luo Mei??
Luo Mei- (she chuckles) Lu Yue. You really know who you belong to.
Lu Yue- You claimed me, there's no going back. I can't. I fell too deep.
Luo Mei- Handsome. Very handsome. (she bites her lower lip)
Lu Yue- What have I done to make you do that?
Luo Mei- You know.
Lu Yue- Does it mean what I'm thinking?
Luo Mei- I don't know. What is handsome thinking?
Lu Yue- Princess wants me.
Luo Mei- I do?
Lu Yue- Why did you sit on me like this, then?
Luo Mei- Because I wanted to.
Lu Yue- You wanted to be close to me.
Luo Mei- What happened really did scared me. I don't want to stay one each away from you. (she goes to try to lift his shirt) I want to see.
Lu Yue- (he stops her) No. Don't lift my shirt.
Luo Mei- Why not? I've seen you shirtless.
Lu Yue- Not really. It was dark.
Luo Mei- I do want you. Lay back.
He does that and pulls the covers over her. She does something under them.
A little while later Luo Mei gets done with buttoning up Lu Yue's shirt.
Luo Mei- You know you're mine now?
Lu Yue- Yes. You could do it again.
Luo Mei- Bad boy.
Lu Yue- I'll be bad if I want to.
Luo Mei- You're lucky you're mine.
Lu Yue - What does that mean?
Luo Mei- Maybe any another girl wouldn't like that you act like this.
Lu Yue- Then I don't need or want any other girl. You approve any way I act. And I know how to be myself around you and you make me comfortable to be around.
Luo Mei- Handsome's comfortable around me. That's a good thing.
Lu Yue- Yes.
He sees her missing with his shirt.
Lu Yue- Why did you didn't button it up all the way?
Luo Mei- Because I didn't want to.
She goes to lay her head on his chest and sets her hand where his shirt is unbuttoned.
Luo Mei- It looks good like this.
Lu Yue- Of course it does.
She goes to press her lips there and giggles a little.
Lu Yue- You don't have to stop doing that.
Luo Mei- Dirty boy.
Lu Yue- It's you're fault. You love to give me what I want.
Luo Mei- I love to. (she goes to kiss on his chest more)
Soon someone comes walking in while Luo Mei is kissing on Lu Yue's chest.
Xiao Pang- (his eyes go wide) Ahh, what did I just walk into???!!
Luo Mei gets embarrassed and pulls the covers over her to hide. Xiao Pang covers his eyes and walks out.
Xiao Rui- Pang, what's wrong?
Xiao Pang- You don't want to go in there.
Old Cat- Why not? Is Lu Yue awake?
Xiao Pang- Yes.
Old K- Then what is it?
Old Cat- Are YueMei making out?
Pang shakes his head no.
Xiao Rui- Then what?
Lao Mao walks off and walks in the room.
Old Cat- You both okay? Pang won't use his words and say what he saw.
Lu Yue- Don't worry about it.
Old Cat- Why is Luo Mei hiding? Did she get embarrassed?
Lu Yue- Don't be knowing her better than me.
Old Cat- I didn't.
Lu Yue- Baby—
Luo Mei- Brother Mao's right.
Xiao Pang- I'm sorry. I probably should of knocked.
Old Cat- Pang, what did you see?
Xiao Pang- I don't want to say it.
Xiao Rui- Lu Yue, it's good you're awake. We thought we were going to loose Luo Mei too.
Lu Yue- What?
Xiao Rui- She was almost lost without you.
Luo Mei- Brother Rui, stop.
Xiao Rui- What's wrong?
Luo Mei- You should all go away. We were busy.
Lu Yue- It would be nice if you guys could.
Luo Mei- I'll be staying here until Lu Yue gets discharged.
Xiao Rui- This scared you a lot, Luo Mei.
Luo Mei- It did. I... (she buries her head on Lu Yue)
Lu Yue- You can check on us some other time.
Xiao Rui- Let's go. We don't need to be here. YueMei's fine.
Luo Mei- (she moves her head to speak) Are you going to call Yu Ming and Yang Lian; MingLian? I made it up for them.
Lu Yue- Princess.
Luo Mei- Everyone out. Please.
Everyone leaves the room.
Luo Mei- Call me that again?
Lu Yue- Call you what?
Luo Mei- Lu Yue!?
Lu Yue- Princess.
Luo Mei- You...  Come closer.
Lu Yue- I can't get any closer.
Luo Mei- Closer.
Lu Yue- Luo Mei. You want me to hold you?
Luo Mei- No. (she let's go of the covers & holds onto him) I want to hold you.
Lu Yue- Okay. (he holds her back) You can.

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