chapter 20

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『Y/n's pov』

"Do you like the tea?"

Sitting down at the table I looked at kalim and jamil suspiciously as they seemed to think they were clever.

'Ah well, Jokes on them.... Im immune to sleeping pills'

Looking down at the cup a Smirk made its way on my face as I drunk it all in one gulp.

"Oh? This is pretty tasty~ But its very sugary, But thats okay! I-"

*Ring* *ring*
(This is the best I can do ( •́ω•̩̥̀ ))

Taking out my phone I quickly awnser it and put it to my ear.


"*sigh* must you always be in such a jolly mood?'

"Yup! Now tell me what you want you stupid Old man"

Jamil and Kalim exchanged a shocked look as they took notice to how my persona changed quickly.

"Meet me at Hq, I have to discuss something about the mirror"

"Fine, But don't try to kill me yeah? I prefer to die by either suicide or a double-suicide"

The clal ended with that, Putting my cup down I made my way out of the house... Or tried to.

"Wait- i mean *ahem* dont you think its la-"

"No, Its not. Bye~"

Cutting jamil off I slammed the front door shut and ran to the stupid Hq...


"What do you want you asshole?"

Slumping in the seat I glared at Mori, He just smile that stupid grin.

"I simply ask for payment for how hard my team is working, especially since Someone seems to wanna destroy it"

Sitting up straight i raised my eyebrow as this caught my attention.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing as mori was already standing up I followed him down to a specific room... One that had many mirrors and strange liquid's.

"Take a look"

"What happened?"

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"What happened?"

Looking at mori I was confused since the last time he showed me it was perfectly fine.

"Well thats the problem, We have no clue who or what did this. Just about at 2 in the morning someone who was said to have black and Pink were seen using something, But before my men could attack they disappeared in thin air"

"Well crud, Sorry man. I have no money. Im in dept as it is-"

I was cut off as Mori just patted my head, I glared and smacked his hand off.

"Dont touch-!"

"Now, now calm down. I simply ask that you fill in a role for me, I ask that you spy and kill this person at a casino for me. They may or may have not stolen exactly what you need to bring those boys you love home"

Putting my head down in thought I couldn't deny that I did start feeling something for them, But Shaking my head I shook his awful hand to sign the deal.

"Fine, Not like it effects me. So when do I start?"

Before I could react Mori pushed me along towards a very familiar room, Guns, knifes... This was my old room. Before I could ask what was going on mori took out a picture and shoved it in my hands.

"This is who I want you to attack, They had stolen the ink we need and kidnapped an important person of ours

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"This is who I want you to attack, They had stolen the ink we need and kidnapped an important person of ours. They seem to, from what my men have studied, she has a huge liking to brunette's... Especially female brunette's.. I suppose you use your use your seduction to help with this, you and your brother have a talent for that"

And with that mori left. Looking down at the picture I smirked.

'Well looks like I have something fun... Lets just hope
Osamu-nii wont find out'



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۝A Not So Twisted fate۝ Yandere!twistedwonderland X Dazai!readerWhere stories live. Discover now