chapter 14

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★━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━★(Sorry for being gone for so long -v- school really is a pain am I right?)

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(Sorry for being gone for so long -v- school really is a pain am I right?)


『Third pov』
It was evening and currently Y/n was at a cafe, she wished to not be there but had no choice as she was called here by that bastard mori and ofcourse someone was following Y/n so that was also a problem.

'Must I never get a damn break?... *sigh* Ofcourse what do you expect when you let strangers into your house?'

Glaring at the table Y/n took a sip of her F/c/F/T(favorite coffee/favorite tea)

"Its delightful to talk to you yet again, I believe I've found a solution to your problem"

Looking up from her drink Y/n wished to punch this male straight in the face, But keeping her calm and act up Y/n gave a fake smile.

"Hello, Mori. I hope you had a great slumber last night, you looked very peaceful"

The closed eye smile on his face faltered as sweat began to form on his face, But not willing to show his fear towards the tall female Mori sat down and began to explain while also ordering something.

"Well as We talked before, It seemed as almost if it would take years or months to find a way. But a few memebers had found something interesting, the same place you said to have found them there was a mirror on the wall. It was leaking a ink but the ink seemed unique"

"Okay and? What does this ink have to do with anything?"

Ofcourse Y/n knew but she knew his throat was sore, especially since last night he was screaming bloody murder.... Though he didnt know He was watched that night hehehem...
So him talking was painful, so Y/n took advantage of this.

"*cough* exscuse me, Well yes it may seem unimportant but I assure you it is. There seems to be a powerful energy in this ink, Im currently having some members try and make more of it. It also lead me to believe this may be the way to bring them home, It seems to be connected to the mirror so You understand corr-"

"Hey boss! I finished the arrend you gave me, let me tell you those idiots were annoying asf"

A teen with green hair and a casual outfit interrupted mori as he put down a bag of papers, The kid gave a small glare towards the male before sitting close to Y/n and hugging her protectively

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A teen with green hair and a casual outfit interrupted mori as he put down a bag of papers, The kid gave a small glare towards the male before sitting close to Y/n and hugging her protectively.

"Who is this old geaser? He seems like a creep"

"Pfft- I must agree Jeremy, also thank you for completing those documents and investigation for me. As A reward how about we could go to the movies and maybe get some dinner on the way hm?"

The two conversed happily as they both completely forgot mori's existence, the male's eyebrow twitched as he stood up and left.

"Heh, That wa your old boss? He seems weak, I bet you could beat him anytime. Also can we get some popcorn too?!"

Jeremy quickly changed to snarky to excited as Y/n and him stood up, Y/n nodded and was about to turn around the corner of the building but stopped as a very familiar orange haired male and a male with hyena ears both nearly ran into them.

"Ehh?- o-oh heya Y/n! Uh, We were just-"

"Gettin donuts! Also who's this little guy?"

Cater smiled nervously as he kept glancing from Y/n to ruggie, Ruggie on the other hand seemed to be a pro at acting and was talking to Jeremy.

"Im Jeremy! You seem cool enough, Your now my best friend. Wether you like it or not, Oh! Hey parent unit, can they come with us to the movie?"

Tugging Y/n's sleeve Jeremy gave a grin before doing puppy eyes, this had no effect on Y/n but she agreed since she too wished to spend time with these two.

"Why not, You two good with that?"

Both ruggie and cater exchanged a look before they both grinned and nodded....Their plan had worked perfectly..

(After the movies)

"You sure you good there? And weren't ya the one to say not to be scared? Neshihe~" (this is a laugh)

"Come on ruggie, give the kid a break. You weren't paying attention so you don't get to talk, You were too busy being fed by Y/n."

"Hm? Oh yeah? Well you weren't either now were you? Last time I checked you were to busy posting the movies and stuff on magicam. And your just jealous, Y/n likes me way better~"

As ruggie and cater began to bicker Y/n smiled softly, she felt in peace... Too bad this won't last too long :)....

"Yo! Can you two stop your damn bickering? If anything Im better than you both! I've not only known Y/n since I was a child but Im also her child!-"

"Who said I was your parent? *gasp* does that mean You can-"

"I didn't mean it! Don't get the damn wrong idea, chuuya and mr.dazai would probably be pissed if they found out you stole their child!"

Y/n pouted and dramaticly acted hurt, Jeremy only rolled his eyes.

Yes, Jeremy was Y/n's nephew and intern. Both chuuya and dazai had later adopted Jeremy when he was a kid.

He was one of the only ones to had servive the car explosion since Back than, He was originally oda's son but was adopted my dazai and chuuya after his pass.

"Fine~ I suppose your correct, Well than- oh, Perfect timing. Osa-san just texted, he wants you back at home. Well this is bye, See ya~!"

"Well damn women! Your just gonna leave me hanging? Fine, I'll remember that!··"

He seemed to yell some other things but wasn't heard seeing as Y/n, ruggie, and cater were long gone.

"He's a very chaotic one. It's actually fun, We should do this again yeah?"

Cater looked at both Y/n and ruggie with a genuine smile, Ruggie nodded as he put his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, this is fun! Especially with all the food, I was in paradise~"

Both Y/n and cater laughed as they heard ruggie and his love for food, Y/n made a self note to do this more often.

"Well were back, It seems we took the whole day. See you both tommorow, night"

"Nighty night!"

"Night-night N/N!"

Both cater and ruggie said there farewells as they walked upstairs, Leaving Y/n to herself.

"Well that was very fun !"


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