#1 Half o'heart left

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Sam's POV:

Well, this is it - consequences of my stupidity and naivety. Tubbo has come to the prison for Michael, but not alone, he somehow talked Technoblade and Eret into joining him, while I'm here on my own. Great...
Keeping Eret at bay is easy, he's not much of a fighter anyways. Techno on the other hand sees me as a challenge and doesn't hold back. And Tubbo - infuriated father and unique morpher - bee Hybrid. "Unique" because he's known for controlling swarms of bees, unlike others.

Splash potions of Weakness stop me from moving closer. Techno goes for another charge, but I dodge right and push him away with my trident. He finds his footing as I'm about to close in on him, but Tubbo jumps in swinging his axe. The fire and thirst for blood, MY blood, in his eyes tell me "it's your last day", but I don't just let others kill me so easily.

One swing, second, third, forth from above head - I blocked it with trident's length. For a small guy, he's quite stubborn. The sharp edge of his axe moves slowly closer to me, that rage makes him push my feet back a bit. I grit my teeth and let black smoke pour out off my mask. Those few seconds feel like hours of staredown, our arms slightly shaking, who will move first?

Tubbo lets out a warcry and pulls our weapons down, his axe cut into floor blocking my trident. He then jumped at me, sending us across the floor. He pushed my crown off and began throwing punches. One after another, Tubbo keeps roaring and sending more hits. I'm numb to this pain, but I can't focus my vision. Trying to block or push him away is difficult now. He stopped and clawed onto my mask, ripping it off and grabbing my neck.


Even if I tell him, he won't let me live, so what choice do I have? Well... there IS one more thing,... but it's only effective at point blank... Screw it!
Tiny hiss stopped smoke from pouring out. I opened my mouth to reveal glowing up light. He sobered up and threw TNT at me.

The explosion ripped open the wall behind me.
Creepes blow up easily, but creeper Hybrids are more blast resistant than even humans.
Water around prison broke my fall, luckily, but that Trump Card left me dizzy, numb, vulnerable...

Surprisingly, this is nice. The chilly water muffling all sounds, its gentle touch helping me lay down at the bottom. I don't bother to close my mouth or try to swim up, because it's all... peaceful.
I knew that feeling before, I-... only one person... could make me forget about everything... HIM... my-... my angel, that small and warm flame, I can see You! Reaching out Your arms toward me. The light behind Your back makes You look even more beautiful!~ I- I want to be with You,... hold You, kiss You, feel Your heart against mine!... Help me forget... about all that's bad...

"I'm still drawn to You" - AwesamPonkWhere stories live. Discover now