#6 I'm still drawn to You

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Sunlight fell thro bedroom window and gently annoyed Ponk's eyelids. He squinted his eyes and turned around, feeling yet another soothing warmth. Ponk opened one eye to see Sam's green hair, immediately thinking of how lucky he is.
Memories from last night shook him awake and guilt poke his heart, so he scooted closer to sleeping Hybrid and wrapped his arm around him, as well as landing a little kiss on his ear, which flicked.
Ponk smiled and continued showering Sam with little sweet kisses. It felt so good to finnaly show some affection again. Ponk brought Sam even closer into hug and began humming song from yesterday, now - it felt like it fits the moment better.
Sam inhaled deeply and turned his head towards Ponk, slightly opening his eyes. As always he smiled without care for world or what Ponk will think about this - it was just another GOOD morning~
"...good morning Sammy~"

"...morning Ponky~" He rubbed his eyes and stretched, letting his right arm go around Ponk's left arm and onto his back.
For a second he wasn't sure if it's all true. Is he still dreaming? Is Ponk really ok with him wrapping his arm around. But Ponk kept smiling and even leaned down for a kiss, with hand on Sam's cheek. Sam quickly returned the kiss and wrapped both arms behind Ponk's little back.

Everything was gone, just like when they first ever kissed. All that existed were their lips, warm skin and each other's breaths between kisses.
Ponk gently broke the kiss and pet Sam's cheek while whispering.
"I'm sorry for yesterday. It's not You, who made me tense - Your touch actually felt SO GOOD. I just suddenly got a useless mess in my head."

That made Sam smile even more and he also started gently petting Ponk's cheek.
"I love You, Ponky~ and I only hope You love me back too..."

Ponk leaned into Sam's hand with smile and kissed him again.
"I love you too Sammy~ so much, I can't focus, when you hold me."
That made them both laugh, Ponk laid down on Sam's right shoulder and held his left hand.

"...Let's not get up yet. It's nice here and we don't really have anything to do."

"Hmhm, sure~ That sounds nice~"

"...OOOOR we could..." Ponk looked up at a little confused Sam and continued. "...Y'know - refresh our love?~" Ponk rolled in his lips, waiting for answer.

For a change it was Sam, who started blushing. And OH if it wasn't a clear answer for Ponk yet, Sam rolled them around, towering over him and leaned down for more heated kiss.

Sam ran his hand thro Ponk's fluffy hair and pressed their hips together, making Ponk moan. He then licked the other's sharp tiny fangs and roamed around his mouth.
Impatient breaths and moans played like music in their ears. Ponk reached down to Sam's hips and slowly dragged his shirt up that well sculptured torso. Sam sat up to fully take it off and saw Ponk staring and bitting his own lip, but the other was also devouring his lover with eyes.
He slowly moved his hands up from ankles to Ponk's waistband and lustful grin was enough for an answer. When crimson boxers landed on floor, Sam stood up next to bed, slowly pulling down his own, but Ponk hooked his finger over front of grey boxers and slowly pulled them down while moving his head closer. They smiled at each other and Ponk's lips started leaving warm sensation on Sam's lower belly, making him moan and again run his hand thro other's hair.

Ponk sat back and Sam kneeled back down on bed over his lover, kissing impatiently.

"Do you remember how I like it?~" Ponk whispered under breath.

Sam smirked and leaned to his ear. "Strong and steady~ no rush~"

He reached up to Ponk's lips with two fingers and was happily welcomed in. Ponk slowly sucked on Sam's fingers, until they were coated enough and Sam brought them down between Ponk's legs. He slowly pushed one finger into the other's ass, Ponk hissed but nodded to Sam, so he slowly started moving it in and out, soon hearing quiet moans and relaxed breath. He added another digit and was slowly making more room in his lover's bottom.

Ponk reached down began stroking his own dick, matching Sam's speed. The latter noticed it and leaned down to lick tip pressed his lips around the other's dick. Ponk was grinning and letting out pleased moans already - and Sam wasn't even half way done.
He pleased his lover with warm tounge licking around his shaft and fingers curling in and pressing on his trigger points, making Ponk gasp and grip onto bedsheets.

When Sam felt there is enough room, he gently pulled out his fingers and sat up, making Ponk moan with some sweat droplets on his face already. Sam bit his lip and aligned himself with Ponk. They smiled at each other and both moaned when Sam pushed in. He leaned down and burrowed his face into crook of Ponk's neck, while he wrapped his legs around Sam's waist.

Slow and steady Sam was moving his hips, so they both could savored the feeling.
When Ponk wrapped his arms around the other's neck, Sam gripped bedsheets and picked up the pace, making Ponk tilt his head and breath faster.
Sam couldn't hold himself and slowly sunk his teeth into another's shoulder. Ponk moaned louder and tried to hug Sam closer, but instead dug his fingertips into latter's back.

Ponk's head was spinning, his whole body was tickling and shivering from pleasure. Even tho Sam wasn't going very fast, he was still hitting the right spot everytime.
"...Sam... go... faster~"
Was enough for him to hump his lover into bed faster, while their foreheads were pressed against each other. They were both moaning and breathing heavily, blood rushing thro their ears, both feeling the growing heat inside. Ponk gasped and wanted to say something but-

"Well well well~ I have heard that you were saved by a little mermaid, but I couldn't believe it until now~" Both of them got frozen in spot and Sam couldn't imagine worse scenario.

Quackity leaned against the bedroom doorframe with his devilish smile.
"What are YOU doing here!?" Ponk snapped back at him and Quackity just shrugged.

"I'm looking for my lost friend. No one has heard from him for a while and I got worried~"

Ponk almost jumped out from under Sam and walked up to Big Q in his T-shirt only. But Quackity was professional and kept his one good eye on Ponk's angry face.

"If you're thinking about dragging him back into your messed up plans of controlling the server - then you've picked the wrong address!..."

"Ponk wait! What do you want Quackity?..." Sam pulled up his pants still embarrassed, but also worried for Ponk. How did he even found them here? Foolish wouldn't have gave them away - even tho he's quite talkative, he wouldn't. Big Q tilted his head and looked over at Sam.

"Should we speak outside or you want here?"

Sam had to think for moment.
"...Here. What is it?..."

"Well there seems to be some ambiguities. You see, I wanted to pay Dream a visit, but it turns out I was not allowed in. I was also told, you were not there... Care to explain or will you just help me clear this out?"

Sam didn't answer, he didn't know where to start or even how much he should tell Quackity.

"Ok look, it's ok if you wanted to go on some vacation - I get it, you're a hard-working man, I totally get it- but you could've inform me about it ealier."

At last part he was clearly irritated and sassy, which made Ponk even more mad. Sam put hand on his lover's shoulder and stood between them.

"Fine, I will help you get a permission to visit prisoner again, but then I'm off as your... employee... Deal?"

"...alright. Alright, deal!~ Let's go then~"
He smoothly rolled off the doorframe, he leaned on and began walking towards the main door.

"Sam wait(!)- you can't do that, he will again try to drag you into one of his messed up plots."

"Relax, I promise to come back, no matter what or who will try to stop me." Sam took Ponk's little hands. "I promise~ I just have to get it done quickly and I will go straight back to You. I promise, Ponky~" He gave Ponk's forehead a warm kiss and left with smile, before closing the door and putting on his mask.

"I'm still drawn to You" - AwesamPonkWhere stories live. Discover now